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Tell me, please, who knows - how does an average bottle of champagne carry an air flight?
Tell me, please, who knows - how does an average bottle of champagne carry an air flight?
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19 subscribers  • asked 2015-09-1110 years ago
Answers  •  26
аватар kolyan_cat
In luggage - normal, no problem.
In the stomach - not very much, strives to splash out. It is better to distribute over 2 stomachs and press down with sandwiches, then it will not spill.
аватар orhideya21
Great advice :)
I try to put everything soft around in my luggage.
аватар orhideya21
If you buy in a dutik, then it will be fine in hand luggage too.
аватар rostislav_g
give her a pill so she doesn't get sick
аватар Irinka1970
In the luggage compartment, no problem, but just in case, wrap it in a plastic bag and cover it with things so that they don’t accidentally hit hard when loading / unloading suitcases. In hand luggage, the flight also transfers perfectly if you buy it in duty free.
аватар zaeugene
Bought in dutik arrived in hand luggage without problems.
аватар Sergey4467
Damn you jokers!!!
But the main thing I understood is that she will not decide to explode from the pressure drop. I would not want to bring a suitcase with wet things. Thank you all!
аватар zaeugene
Sergey4467 in the cabin and in the luggage compartment, the pressure drops are not so large that a bottle of champagne would explode.
аватар Sergey4467
But who knows what is on her mind ... In the cabin of an aircraft during flight, the pressure is the same as at an altitude of 2500 meters.
аватар Karfagen12
It all depends on the flight range, it may be that one bottle is not enough for one stomach, it’s better to stock up, otherwise it’s expensive to renew on the plane ...
аватар Turist08
It tolerates well, tried it on myself and more than once. Wrap with soft, dense things (jeans, sweatshirt) and put in the middle of the suitcase.
аватар hatinka
I drove, drive and will carry glass, including sparkling wines in a suitcase! There were times that she packed about 15 cans-bottles such as wine, olive oil, honey and jams on a suitcase. Nothing ever broke, never spilled. Although I packed everything in polyethylene, from mesh dutiks and then between things. But if there are 10 bottles, then you understand how many of those things remain there. In short, not much and dangerous in suitcases. But I saw more than once wet suitcases on the tape at the airport! Apparently, not everyone was so lucky or it was easier to pack. If you bring only one bottle, just buy it at Duty Free.
аватар sent2008
For the transportation of wine, olive oil and other bottles I use packages from under the printer cartridges. The bottle comes as original. There were never any problems.
аватар lazy_person
I think if you buy a bottle at DutiFree and take it to the salon, it won't explode. I don't know how it will behave in the luggage compartment. The difference in pressure drop is significant. The luggage compartment is not sealed (H= 10..11000 m). In the passenger cabin, the height in the cabin is 2400..2500 m ... I haven’t carried champagne in a suitcase for a long time. Soviet bottle withstand pressure drop
аватар Nusia
We repeatedly take alcohol with us in our suitcases and delivered everything perfectly, but when we flew home from Tunisia and bought 3 liters of olive oil there, then one was not delivered - it bent and spilled, ruining some of the things, even though everything was in bags - and things and oil (((
аватар verty-nk
Viskarik in myself, I think it will be more reliable ...
аватар kolyan_cat
like hatinka, I always carry a suitcase full of alcohol with me. There - vodka, back - ordinary and sparkling wine. Never had any problems in many years. The main thing is to carefully shift everything. And yet, if the suitcase is not full enough, it will roll over, and it can also be beaten. To "refill" the suitcase in this case, I put empty plastic bottles in it - they work great as shock absorbers.
A couple of times drove kegs of beer! True, in hand luggage, in the Frankfurt deutik, the action was - 11 Euro 5-liter keg of Levenbrau.
Don't worry about the height difference. There are many things that are more sensitive to drop, they also tolerate the flight just fine. Some pressure is maintained in the luggage compartment, otherwise if it were leaky, all things would be in ice.
аватар Kasja23
Absolutely normal. I carried champagne in my luggage to Egypt.
We drank in the dive center - the hostess is German, she was very pleased.
In Egypt, with champagne, not everything is rosy)))
аватар Lev2182
The topic of champagne has clearly aroused interest and numerous responses.
аватар orhideya21
You haven’t read the topic of spending the night in someone else’s hotel :)))
аватар Lev2182
I haven't read it, but I can imagine...
Many deliver champagne, but be sure to pack it well in the middle of the suitcase.
аватар nadin65
Repeatedly in the luggage carried champagne perfectly arrived!
There was a problem with hairspray, the whole thing came out of the can without a Vellaflex cap, those cans that are covered with sprayers with a cap fly well.
There was a story with mineral water, and the plastic bottle remained closed and things were wet, even the suitcase with a rigid frame got wet
аватар SergeyRadzuk
In the luggage compartment, no problem, but just in case, wrap it in a plastic bag and cover it with things so that they don’t accidentally hit hard when loading / unloading suitcases. That's how they always (12 times) drove shampusik.
аватар dimkasimferopol
He’s afraid to fly in his luggage, so it’s better to take it with you in your stomach, so that it wouldn’t be boring and champagne would not ask for a walk, be sure to send a couple of sandwiches with caviar to the stomach for the company)))
аватар Roza-57
However, what a burning topic I came across .... From my own experience - strong alcohol, wrapped in rags and lined with flippers - did not even sneeze for 4 hours of the bus, and then another 4 hours of flight. But we will bring the shampoo to the DR in a week. Everyone who spoke - MERCY - is no longer afraid ...
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