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Who flew to Egypt through Zeus Travel? Where are the pitfalls of such cheap prices? I want to fly alone with a child of 5 years old, but somehow I'm afraid ... Thank you for the answers)))
Who flew to Egypt through Zeus Travel? Where are the pitfalls of such cheap prices? I want to fly alone with a child of 5 years old, but somehow I'm afraid ... Thank you for the answers)))
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2 subscribers  • asked 2015-08-0210 years ago
Answers  •  1
аватар andreyvip
As the history of the last decade shows. Neither the size of the travel company / operator nor the pricing policy can guarantee the absence or presence of problems.
You can safely fly to rest almost to rest the entire allotted period, and in the end it turns out that neither the air tickets nor the hotel room have been paid for and you are required to pay money for this whole business.
And yesterday everything could be fine, but today hundreds of tourists have problems.
Indeed, in calm times, the norm was when tour operators paid for services to the hotel and the airline at the end of the month or even at the end of the season.
So the only guarantee for you is the confirmation from the hotel that it was in your name that a room with meals was booked and paid for and you have paid air tickets in your hands. Not just a voucher from the operator where everything is beautifully scheduled, but from the airline and from the hotel confirm the fact of payment.
Then there will be no problems. In all other options already as lucky.
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