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Is it worth it to go alone outside the hotel after it gets dark?
If you go alone on vacation to Egypt, is it worth it to go alone outside the hotel after it gets dark?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
1 subscriber  • asked 2007-10-0217 years ago
Answers  •  13
аватар Azizam
Sometimes I'm just amazed at the questions...
Tell me, what makes you think that Egypt is a country where hungry lions roam outside the hotel? To leave or not to leave is your own decision. The main thing is to observe the elementary rules of decency. And no one will rape you right on the street, outside the hotel ...
аватар salik
Arabs are very clinging to the female sex, that's a fact. But in Egypt (in the tourist area) it is many times safer than in Russia, so walk as much as you like.
аватар Lenuskina
Do you remember...?
Sharks in Africa
Gorillas in Africa
In Africa, big
Evil crocodiles.
If you feel the strength to cope with the zoosphere, then homo sapiens will not cause you problems.
And given that it gets dark in Egi already at 7, with such fears straight to the north / south pole, there is light around the clock!
аватар slawko
I think that those who want to get problems can find them in a day, so just respect their laws and be just a person and people will be drawn to you. so if you don’t really need it, you can hold on, if there is, then just don’t dress catchy and respect their men
аватар HotLine
Standard syndrome of the first trip to Egypt. Those who have already been there do not ask such questions. According to statistics, I can say that in our country women go to single rooms much more often than men.
аватар olga_s1981
in general, the Arabs are not very different from ours in terms of stickiness. It's just that for them a girl in a short skirt and a T-shirt is the same as for ours completely naked. That's why they react that way, but if he smiled at you, it doesn't mean that he will start to rape you now. For example, at night I walked around Naama Bay alone, looking for a supermarket, and no one ate me or even tried. In addition, for some reason there are more tourists on the street at night than local residents.
аватар Zlata28
It depends on what purpose you are going to go out for - a joke :) But seriously, you don't need to think that the local male population only thinks about how to drag you into ... So don't worry, no one will rape you. :)
аватар Moza
What are you! there, all life after 7 begins when the lights come on and it gets dark !!!!
аватар JulliAnn
Only in Egypt, souvenir shops are open around the clock! I have never seen this before in other Muslim countries, especially in Ramadan. And tourists for Egypt are the main source of income, so that the police, in the event of the slightest dispute, come to the protection of visitors. But! I somehow can’t remember any cases of aggressive behavior of the local population ... And misfortunes can be organized for yourself by your own stupidity anywhere in the world ...
аватар dracosha05
On the first day upon arrival, we went to Naama Bay and got back on the wrong bus. When they understood, they approached the driver and tried to explain that we needed to go to another hotel. He took his Italians, then took us. On the way, he stopped and began to ask for "one kiss" ... It lasted about 7 minutes, then we started freaking out and he silently took us to our hotel, although upon arrival he demanded money - 60 pounds, but we gave 20 and hello! So no one will grab and drag by the hands
аватар AriGaLiNa
Everyone finds that. what he wants
аватар medvedik
In my opinion, Russian tourists should be most afraid, both in the evening and during the day :-) And the Arabs, although they are trying to make some attempts in terms of harassment, are absolutely harmless.
аватар natali.kir
Naama Bay is safe, you can only take a taxi and no problem
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