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What is the political situation in Egypt. Is it worth it to travel with children?
We have already bought a tour to Hurghada for the New Year holidays. And then we were scared, and friends and relatives, they say there is a kapets what's going on. Many hotels are closed, and those that are open are very empty, there are few people, many were evacuated from there. The Ukrainian embassy is no longer there. Like they took it out. In short, war and fear. Here I sit and in a panic I think, maybe I can refuse, nevertheless we gathered with the children. Who recently returned from there? What is really going on there???
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9 subscribers  • asked 2013-11-1111 years ago
Answers  •  15
аватар dimdimysh
Do you read reviews? What do they write there? And how do your friends know what is "going on" there if they were not there? And if you refuse the tour, then the fines are 100%. After all, you don't want to lose money. As for the Embassy, ​​it's better to go to the Foreign Ministry website. On the edge, Russia, you will be evacuated to Moscow.
аватар petromir
) and before you bought, you didn’t hear anything like that ??
In June you found out about Egypt, since mid-October you have been doing the same, and there for more than one year, kapets!
Take revenge on your friends - send them instead of yourself
аватар A-lissa
Petromir Yes, I found out in June, but did you look at the date of the clarifications? In June 12, I found out, and in August we flew there with the children for half a month. And everything was great. And now I’m finding out for the second time, because I read, looked at the reviews, and decided that there have already been coups for a long time, and like last time everything is fine with tourists. And today my relatives attacked me, saying that I was crazy to fly there ... So I am writing in this panic. So no need to swear... I'm just asking.
аватар petromir
what are you, how can you swear at a stranger?) It’s just that the question has already set the teeth on edge for everyone, especially after buying the tour. and I saw the date, I’m saying, they’ve been fighting for more than a year) and there were also sharks)
Seriously, drive calmly, and don't listen to anyone, there weren't any resorts there and there was nothing terrible, not that dangerous.
Somewhere I had a link about the current situation in Egypt, but there people also write about hotels, and the admins swear. Read the reviews here, find yourself on other sites and don't worry so much.
аватар A-lissa
Thank you very much. Just kids... Two... you know. That's the kind of alarmist I am =))
аватар hendo7
A-Lissa, they wrote to you correctly, do not listen to your alarmist advisers, but rather calmly pack your bags and enjoy your upcoming vacation. I flew in from Egypt a month ago, and at that time there was more panic in the media ... Everything is fine there with the situation. People rest as usual, calmly walk outside the hotels.
аватар orhideya21
Correctly Petromir advises - take revenge on your relatives :))
Just don’t send them there, but have a great rest yourself “for evil to all enemies” :)))))
аватар A-lissa
Thanks!! At least they consoled)))))))))
аватар Angela_k
the question is really already fed up ((yesterday my daughter returned from Hurghada ... everything is as always ... quietly, peacefully, calmly
аватар anapa25
This morning, it was reported on the radio that in Egypt, the resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada have lifted the state of emergency. rezvychaynogo-polozheniya-132621_.html
According to the orchid, take revenge on your loved ones - enjoy a relaxing holiday in Egypt!
In fact, everything was and is calm in the resort areas.
We understand your excitement, here, of course, word of mouth works on the principle of "fear has big eyes." Sometimes you read this and wonder how you can invent such a thing.
Drive calmly and rest.
аватар A-lissa
Angela_k and anapa25 Your feedback is priceless))) My daughter is back. The state of emergency has been cancelled. Thanks!!! Already getting better))
thanks orbittours, that's what we'll do. I understand that the question is fed up, but I'm sorry, I'd rather ask again, that was last year, and this is this year. So don't judge. Last year, I asked, chose ... not in vain, having read real answers to my questions, we had a great rest.
аватар Solea
this is a fun word of mouth in Egypt itself. Somewhere they heard a war here, they call relatives. Answer: War? I'm right here, what shooting... What can I say about us, those who hear about it from afar.
Just returned from Hurghada. All is well there.
аватар Angela_k
don’t worry)) I myself was in Sharm in July, when there was both “martial law” and “emergency”, I heard a lot of nonsense ... you return from an evening walk in Naama and hear on our TV that it turns out that they are shooting in the center of Naama))
аватар TombArthur
damn it ... I’m finally thinking of traveling on my own, in view of the calm, and then they came up with some kind of war again ... they thought it up themselves, we wake up ourselves
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