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whether for Good people, tell me if there will be hot trips after N.G. ?
I want to leave for the holidays after the New Year from 3 to 7 in Sharm, the budget is limited by the dollar, expensive, etc.? Or how much will an inexpensive hotel for two for 10 days cost?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2008-12-0316 years ago
Answers  •  8
аватар Bear-cub
oracles, respond =)
аватар underwaterlove
will be hot.
current does not necessarily mean that they are good.
I don't remember the name of the agency.
on poznyaks, on Anna Akhmatova street in small numbers ..
they took from me HRYVNA and at the old small rate - as they bought it themselves. I surprised myself. made good savings. seek and you will find.
аватар zzz88
Inexpensive hotels are like 3 *. Far from the sea and civilization. On the Internet at Turtes / (At Pegasus cheaper), you can already see approximate prices. Don’t you want to go to the new resort of Egypt-El Quseir? Everything is not very hyped, but the prices are reasonable and there are corals. And all this will cost you about 1300-1500 HB 10 days. The agency will tell you, and of course you need to test the ground yourself. Have a nice rest!
аватар underwaterlove
this is where it gets hot :)
аватар Amir1
I think they will. At least they have always been and still are. You can even order from us. [email protected] They are completely independent of the travel agency. It all depends on the tour operator. If he puts up last-minute tours for sale, then any travel agency can book them if it works with this tour operator. And with the most famous operators (and only through them I advise you to go) every self-respecting company works. Now 5 * Egypt for 7 nights full board costs $ 858 on "roulette " in Taboo and $ 898 in Sharm, triple for 7 nights ALL - $ 598 for two, 4 * - $ 758. What will happen in January - ask us in January, I think that the same is approximately. If you have any questions - write.
аватар Chief_87
Of course they will)))
If the budget is limited so this is 3 *. I can’t post sites here, they delete them right away, you can see my review of Fantasia 3 * the hotel is very good as for 3 *.
I went with Tez Tour (Tez Tour), from the Rose of the Winds, they charge in hryvnia))
аватар Ulya56
Dear tourists, ALL agencies charge in hryvnia, this rule is not allowed in dollars. if anything write
аватар 57888
appeared very cheap tours of about 600 ye for two! look in the search!
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