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Is September really expensive?
I’ve been sitting for a day and breaking my head, I don’t know what to do, I still haven’t figured out the choice of the hotel, but yesterday I decided to go with a friend to one of the tour companies, which showed the lowest prices for tours via the Internet (in the end it turned out to be twice as expensive than others). But, the catch is that it turns out that September is just the heyday of the seasonal resort there and the prices we were told that they would skyrocket beyond the clouds, is that so????? Book now, everyone has no money .... (((
And another question, those who flew through Moscow, please tell me if your flight was rescheduled for an earlier time ???? Otherwise, we were told that if we wanted to fly through Moscow, it would be better to arrive two days in advance, since planes fly to Egypt every day and the flight can take off much earlier.
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5 subscribers  • asked 2012-07-1013 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар jabetta
September is indeed an expensive month, and October is even more expensive. But twice is too much. Look at the prices for tours from the operators themselves, the picture will be clear.
аватар mel0510
I don’t know what will happen to the prices, but that the flight can take off almost 2 days earlier is complete nonsense !!! planes fly every day and not one at a time, but at the right time. We always fly from Moscow on time (once the flight is true delayed for 4 hours)
аватар toxic
I flew 7 times, 4 times flew on schedule, and the rest of the time the delay was from 30 minutes to 4 hours. I had never heard about flights before
аватар zjz9nbyl
we had a situation once - the plane took off 2 hours earlier (we missed the tour operator's warning), but "2 days earlier" - SUCH CANNOT BE EXACTLY!
аватар Tati1144
I once had this: they canceled the board for 13 hours, they said that I would fly at 9-00, then they postponed the flight 3 hours earlier, i.e. at 6:00. But all these movements were reported by a travel agent (although I live in Moscow, so it’s easier for me) There can be no changes for two days, because you buy a tour for a certain date, and for + - a few hours - it happens, unfortunately.
аватар Annkey
In September it is really 2 times more expensive. Last year I flew to Albatross Charm in June. I liked it very much, I wanted to return there in September - the price increased exactly 2 times - from $750 to $1500.
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