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Tell me, do I need vaccinations for a trip to Egypt?
Actually, the question is: is there a requirement to get vaccinated before traveling to Egypt? Thanks in advance.
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3 subscribers  • asked 2008-08-0917 years ago
Answers  •  21
аватар Polina200075
No, you don’t need to do any special vaccinations before traveling to Egypt, your preventive ones are enough, which everyone does.
аватар mashylya
where did you hear that????????????
аватар alex43
No, it doesn `t need. You just need to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene.
It is recommended to brush your teeth with bottled water. desalinated water comes from the tap.
Under no pretext should you swim in the Nile or walk barefoot in its coastal strip.
аватар natasha_persijn
Thanks for the answers. And what are the most effective remedies for poisoning, which are better to take with you?
аватар HotLine
Everything is not as simple as it seems. There are no mandatory vaccinations. But the sanitary services are obliged to inform tourists about the epidemiological situation and recommend basic vaccinations. And in insurance policies there are phrases about the need to be vaccinated. Two years ago, antimalarial vaccination was very actively promoted. But in reality, no one gets vaccinated. And he doesn't get sick. Till.
аватар Polina200075
Take nifuroxazide, activated charcoal and smecta with you. Usually this is enough. Although I have never had stomach problems in Egypt, unlike Turkey.
аватар 94769
This year we were in a five-star hotel terribly tormented by our stomachs. They said it was bottled water. Even the doctors came. It looks like the truth. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to take antibiotics and potassium permanganate. If you don't need it - it'll be great.
аватар shumera
vaccinations are not needed. but you need to take a first-aid kit in full - dezenf. means for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. And you can only drink bottled water. Don't even brush your teeth with running water.
аватар Amir1
I have been to Egypt 11 times. Me and my companions, no matter how trite it sounds, always helped 100 gr. rum before meals. We were in one hotel, where after 4 days everyone suffered with their stomachs, but we had no problems.
аватар Cherrya
vaccinations are not needed.
from poisoning, we took activated charcoal, loperamide.
I support Amir1 - a hundred grams of something strong will save you from any infection :-) well, it's better not to risk eating in city restaurants...
have a nice rest!
аватар masyanya2140
Vaccinations are not needed. But I had a severe indigestion, and I lay in bed for 2 days, so stock up on medicines!
аватар Zlata28
Vaccinations may be needed, but no one checks and asks
аватар Bear-cub
Be sure to have activated charcoal and enteros-gel (this is for absorption of harmful substances from the intestines), nifuroxazide (it kills an intestinal infection without much harm to the body), and if nifuroxazide does not help, then antibiotics (also kill the infection, but at the same time all useful living things are also killed.)
аватар den_sonya
Due to the absence of any vaccinations, no one will ask you at the entrance. It is better to take all the medicines with you (for poisoning, colds, burns, allergies, colds, etc.) it will not take up much space before and will solve some problems that have arisen during the rest. activated charcoal poisoning, nifuroxazide.
аватар Zlata28
Before eating - festal, for prevention, so to speak :). Well, if it has not been possible to avoid the unpleasant consequences of overseas nutrition - activated charcoal, smecta and (however it is not funny) diet for at least a day. I also support 100g of alcohol
аватар Bear-cub
Zlata28, Festa just helps to better digest food, ie. if a person is destined to be poisoned by this food, this food will be absorbed even more into the body thanks to the festal!
аватар Zlata28
Monstress don't talk nonsense, it's immediately clear that you are very far from pharmacology
аватар Bear-cub
plant"Farmak "-is it far enough from pharmacology? I, too, was originally going to start my previous post with the words "Zlata28, don't talk nonsense ", but then I decided why insult if a person is simply mistaken? I recommend that you read the instructions for the drug. In the same place it is written in black and white: "Digestive enzymes included in its composition facilitate the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, which contributes to their more complete absorption in the small intestine." etc. etc.. What does the poisoning have to do with it?
аватар Zlata28
For Monstress : information from the manufacturer:
"INDICATIONS: functional disorders of intestinal motility associated with the use of indigestible vegetable, fatty or unusual foods " The phrase UNUSUAL FOOD I hope does not need to be deciphered? On this I consider it appropriate to stop the dispute, because I see no reason to prove the obvious
аватар 57888
Vaccinations are not mandatory, although some of our tourists did so at will. Egypt is a country where malaria and influenza are common. In the Nile, the water is really very dirty. I categorically do not recommend drinking tap water, and bottled water without gas either. In our city, a man recently returned from Egypt with malaria. But these are isolated cases. Take the pills you use here with you. From pain in the head, indigestion, in general, the whole standard set, because so many suffer from disorders. Malaria is a disease caused by the bites of malarial mosquitoes. For the prevention of malaria, it is recommended to take the drug delagil a week before going abroad, 1 tablet 0.5 per day. The drug is taken for 2 weeks in a row, in the host country continue to take 1 week also 1 tablet per day.
аватар 198405
I advise you to take activated charcoal from medicines - this is the most elementary, loperamide, this is if poisoning does occur. Levomycetin is also a simple reliable remedy and enzymes - festal or mezim.
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