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excursions to cairo
We want to go to the pyramids, but something is scary with the situation in Cairo. If anyone has been, please post. I think local guides will not tell the truth
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7 subscribers  • asked 2011-12-1513 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар shumera
If you're scared don't go.
аватар Pachok
Pyramids and in peacetime were not worth the tiring road. Bright expectations, fueled by excellent scientific and educational films from CNN, crashed into reality - ancient Egyptian pyramids in the middle of an Arab garbage dump. In the truest sense of the word. And hucksters with bred around. For the sake of what it was worth going to Cairo - this is the Cairo Museum. But, of course, you shouldn't do that now.
аватар Lina23S
If you want to see Cairo, it’s better to postpone this tour for the next time and take Cairo + Alexandria (now they don’t take it), it’s much more interesting and not so tiring. The museum in Cairo also impressed me more than the pyramids.
аватар dondondon
If your tour operator is lucky to Cairo, then you can go. They will not take you to hell and endanger you. On the road everywhere security, tourist police, police, military. Just don't forget your passport and visas. The pyramids are worth seeing. Impressive. People from all over the world are rushing there. Traders should not be ignored. Say that there is no money, and if they annoy, then at the word police they disappear instantly.
аватар dnk2009
thanks for the tips :)
аватар victor86
My Egyptian friend, the director of a local travel agency, says that in fact there is no hell there. In autumn, there were unrest near state institutions, even trips to Cairo were canceled for a couple of days. But in principle there is no danger for tourists. If they themselves do not separate from the group and do not interfere in the demonstration.
As for the Pyramids, they impressed me and my wife. And inside we went, though it is paid. And the huckster and bred on the Arbat and Khreschatyk no less. But we looked at something completely different, at a majestic monument of antiquity and tried to imagine how such grandiose structures could be built, even with the help of modern technology. On the amazing accuracy of laying blocks of 10 tons ... You don’t want to go so far and pay attention to hucksters and other little things. The mood is important here. So if you feel like you need to see them go.
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