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Please tell me, is it necessary to make a visa before leaving for Egypt for 15 days?
It’s just that for the first time we will make a foreign passport, and I don’t know if they will open a visa if there is a loan and not a big debt on the rent
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8 subscribers  • asked 2011-11-2413 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар Lina23S
In Egypt, a visa is issued upon arrival right at the airport, and no one there cares whether you have a loan. But whether they will let you in for a landing when departing for a vacation is another matter. Check it out better at the Tour Agency, recently one tourist from Russia described that they were not allowed to land because of an unpaid fine to traffic cops.
аватар victor86
I think even at the stage of obtaining a passport, there may be problems. I agree with Lina23S. I think it doesn’t matter if you pay a loan, but it’s better to pay off the debt.
аватар nadin65
Pay off your rent arrears and no problem! I don’t know how it is in Russia, but in Ukraine, friends took a car on credit for several years, and they calmly go on vacation every year to Egypt and Turkey.
If you do not have subpoenas, then you are not registered as bad debtors.
There should be no problems with Egypt, but with Europe they may not be allowed.
аватар sigur62
At the stage of obtaining a passport, there will be no problems. Because you can issue it and not go anywhere. Problems arise when crossing the border, where a court order is submitted at the request of the bailiff service. Because of the debt on payment of housing - hardly. Only if you are a persistent defaulter, and you have already been sued. In general, if you already found money for the trip, then you can definitely pay off the debts. If you don't want to, take the risk. For me, this way I would ruthlessly evict people who are vacationing abroad and buying cars from apartments to hostels, while chronically not paying for their housing.
аватар aisha_sharm
In Russia, when applying for a RFP at the OVIR, if the housing and communal services have sued you for debts, you will not receive a passport until you pay off the debt and bring the debt relief from the tax document.
Loans, if you repay them in a timely manner and you do not have bailiff debts, do not affect border crossing. And they can detain you at the border if you are included in the list of non-exit debts. Such an encumbrance is made only by a court decision.
аватар lsklsk
Not so long ago (last week), this site described a case where a person was not allowed to board a plane to Spain due to unpaid transport tax on time. Upon clarification, it turned out that the debt was repaid before departure, but the data was not included in the general database. As a result, the vacation is disrupted, the Schengen visa is gone, and it is almost impossible to return the money.
In any case, pay off the debt for the apartment.
If you do not violate the loan repayment schedule, there should be no problems.
аватар Samana
If the bailiffs open debt collection proceedings, they will issue a passport. They will refuse to issue it only if the bailiff service issued a decision to ban travel outside the Russian Federation. So in the process of applying for a foreign passport it will become clear. Debt collection proceedings are not always initiated by a court decision, but in your case (debt on a loan and rent), a court is mandatory. You would have known.
аватар Samana
KiskaMary, and in the case described by you, the injured party must sue the tax authorities or bailiffs.
аватар lsklsk
She (or Him) has already been advised a lot on what to do. It's a very long thread. You can open and read.
аватар nadin65
Actually, the initial question was - "Is it necessary to make a visa before leaving for Egypt for 15 days?"
Visas to Egypt are bought in Egypt itself upon arrival at the airport, the cost is $15.
So in Hurghada - it is necessary, it is bought upon arrival at the airport of Hurghada.
You can visit Sharm and Taboo without a visa, but put a free Sinai stamp - permission to stay there for 15 days!
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