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police revolution
The airports of Hurghada and Marsa Alam were left without police. They were partially replaced by the military.
What to expect next from Egypt?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
4 subscribers  • asked 2011-10-2613 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар Zlata28
where is infa from?
аватар lsklsk
YES, now in Egypt, strategic facilities are guarded by the military. The strike is expected to be short-lived as the government plans to make concessions to the police and comply with the demands.
аватар admin
Where is this infa from? 99% of this information on our website is from papa74. And he knows better than anyone about the flood in Tae, and about the police in Egypt, and about many other "positive" things. And without leaving your own apartment.
Probably going back to Egypt.
аватар Zlata28
ahh, that's it)))
аватар admin
It's not about the information, it's about its tone and sources.
And we fundamentally block papa74 and delete most of the posts. This thread was left, in fact, because of you. So that you do not get lost in conjectures about the reasons for her disappearance.
We left him here for two days for an experiment (there were neutral answers), so he became a leader in these two days
on the right is the sixth Fixaj. Still went down the drain.
аватар L0onchek
Here is the "hangout" of all Russian agents and tour operators, they look at world news differently ...
Tunisia: tourists will go to visit the Islamists.
On Tuesday evening, it became finally known that the Muslim party "An-Nahda" (Renaissance), which was banned in secular Tunisia back in 1989 for Islamist extremism, receives about 40% of the mandates in the Constituent Assembly. This assembly is expected to write a new constitution and form the executive branch of the new Tunisia. Considering that Tunisia has always been considered the most secular and closest to Europe country in the Arab world, the victory of the Islamists caused concern among Russian tour operators specializing in tours to Tunisia. Moreover, the Tunisian destination is far from the last place in popularity among domestic tourists: for example, in 2010, the resorts of Tunisia were visited by about 200 thousand Russians.
...Russian tour operators are more skeptical about the tourism prospects of the "new" Tunisia on the Russian market. “Yes, our tourists go to the UAE, and this is actually an Islamic state of the Wakhabite persuasion. Now Tunisia will turn from a secular into an Islamist state, Egypt is next in line, and
аватар L0onchek
Egypt, and then quite possibly Turkey, given the worldview of the ruling party there. In fact, our tourists receive a kind of Islamic belt from the most popular beach destinations. I do not think that the numerous bans that will inevitably be introduced there will contribute to the growth of Russian tourist flow to these countries. And the attitude towards representatives of other religions in theocratic states is usually more hostile than in secular ones. Therefore, our tourist flow will gradually reorient itself to more comfortable directions for the Russian people,” said the head of one of the operator companies, who wished to remain anonymous.
аватар alex45
By the way, Syria is forgotten, which Western democrats will start to crap, following the example of Libya. And about Tunisia, last year I had such assumptions that they were published above and no matter how much we would like to go to the countries of the Arab East, there will be a decline in tourism to these countries. This is not subtracted information, and my assumptions (you may not agree)!
аватар admin
Strange as it may seem to some, we are not concerned about the situation in Egypt, Syria, Turkey, etc.
We are concerned about the situation on the site.
papa74 is blocked and the reasons are given.
He behaved rudely and incorrectly. Engaged in manipulation and custom-made anti-advertising. After deleting his reviews, he promised not to return to our site. Promises are not fulfilled.
We have drawn our conclusions. alex45, and for some reason you communicate in the thread of the person who tried to insult you.
аватар alex45
And why did you decide that I can’t communicate with those with whom there is a desire to communicate and why did you decide that I’m talking with papa now. I expressed my opinion, which I wrote, even if someone doesn’t like it. If no one worries about the situation in the Arab world, remove everything, I repeat, ALL political questions and leave questions about the weather, beaches and whether there are pots in hotels. instructions on how I should act (to communicate or not) from you will not be. Not correctly somehow.
аватар travelalex
The paradox is that representatives of the tourism industry have made a significant contribution to the creation of this situation by taking an active part in the revolution. Bassem Samir of Kuoni Travel went to Tahrir Square with his colleagues in January to beat up police officers. "No one wanted the overthrow of Mubarak's power and the fall in the flow of tourists coming to the country. We were just against the police regime," he says. Today, he admits that if he had known what the consequences of the revolution would be for business, he would not have gone to the barricades. His company, as the newspaper notes, suffers losses of 20 thousand euros per month. The main excursion income of Sharm el-Sheikh is trips to Cairo, Hurghada - to Luxor. “Tourists do not risk leaving hotels. Previously, our company earned up to 40 thousand euros per month on excursions, it could have been more during the high season. Now we earn only 10-20 thousand euros on such tours,” Sami complains.
His colleagues agree with him. "We are cautiously taking them to Cairo. If we used to send a group of tourists on Fridays and Saturdays, now we have abandoned this practice - it is on weekends that the main demonstrations take place," the manager of the largest host tour operator S
аватар travelalex
I would ask the activists not to downvote my messages, I posted an article on the topic "What to expect next from Egypt." So far, the press (including pro-Egyptian sites) is negative about the situation in Egypt. If you have positive data on Egypt, then write them here with a link to the source, I personally will be glad to see something positive about Egypt, because I really liked this resort.
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