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Confused about the arrival time of the plane (((
We fly to Egypt on September 10 from Kyiv. We arrive on September 21. The timetable says departure time is 16.40. The flight takes 3 hours. Arrival time 21.40. The plane is on the way for 5 hours. How can this be? Is there a scheduling inconsistency here? I'm worried, because I have a train in 1.5 hours
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
9 subscribers  • asked 2011-08-3014 years ago
Answers  •  20
аватар musiknew
The arrival time on the ticket is local. You will arrive at 21.40 local (Egyptian) time. And the departure time is Ukrainian. Keep this in mind on the way back, the ticket departure is indicated in local time.
аватар jabetta
No, the schedule is correct. It's all about the time difference (1 hour compared to Kyiv).
аватар jabetta
Looks like they were writing at the same time.
аватар nadin65
We had exactly that!
Everything is correct in the schedule - local time is indicated.
The difference between Kyiv and Egyptian for 1 hour.
If it is 22.00 in Kyiv, then it is 21.00 in Egypt.
аватар irina1988
It turns out that I will arrive at 20.40 Kyiv time???
аватар jabetta
The arrival time on the tickets is always indicated local (i.e. where you are arriving).
аватар Kitsune
And who told you that the flight is 3 hours?
Example: you have a ticket Kyiv-Hurghada 14:00 17:00. Those. you depart from Kyiv at 14:00. In Egi at this time 13 hours. You will arrive in Hurghada at 17:00. In Kyiv, at this time, 18:00 hours. How much is the flight? That's right, 4 HOURS!!!! Just because of the time difference when flying THERE, it's imperceptible. And back you just "lose" these hours.
Those. you have a ticket Hurghada-Kyiv 16:40 21:40. Those. in H. 16:40, and in K at this time 17:40. You arrive in K. after 4 hours, i.e. at 21:40, and in X at this time 20:40.
In addition, the flight time almost never coincides (that is, you fly one way, for example, in 4 hours, and back in 3.5 or, conversely, in 2.5.). This is due to the fact that the plane flies along a certain corridor, which does not match when flying back and forth. It's like driving along the road - if you return along the same corridor that you flew in, you get to fly in the oncoming lane. + plus the wind is fair or oncoming or side. All this affects the duration of the flight.
So that's right, fly 4 hours. You will arrive in Kyiv at 21:40.
аватар PolikSVT
Elena25, but Sigur62, after my similar explanation, wrote that "the rotation of the Earth around its axis, physics, high school" is to blame. I was even glad how strong the school knowledge of some comrades!
аватар PolikSVT
I mean the difference in round-trip flight time.
аватар alex45
All right! What did you study for? To forget?
аватар PolikSVT
Then where is the truth - in the speed of the wind or in the rotation of the Earth?
аватар Kitsune
Just in this case, that the flight there is 4 hours, which is back.
And the rotation of the earth also plays a role, but since the flight for the most part goes from south to north and from north to south, and not from west to east and vice versa, the rotation does not play much difference here (the Earth does not rotate from north to south) .
аватар Kitsune
but when you fly from west to east, the rotation is very much affected. Significant savings in time are obtained during a long flight.
Wind direction also plays a role.
аватар alex45
A headwind often increases travel time, a tailwind often reduces it, and the rotation of the Earth does not play a role in this case.
аватар PolikSVT
Thank you, I also thought that the wind was to blame for everything! Let the earth spin!
аватар miracle44
among other things, charters sometimes change the departure time indicated when buying a tour (as it is directly written on the tickets).
аватар sigur62
PolikSVT, I'm glad that brought you joy. That's right, the rotation of the Earth affects the speed of flight relative to the Earth. Have you tried swimming with the current and against the current? And the wind has nothing to do with it, guys, the wind blows differently every day, but the Earth always rotates in one direction and at the same speed. Think better about rest, it is more pleasant and interesting, the brain is less stressed.
аватар Kitsune
Sigur, at the height where long-haul aircraft fly, the winds are stable, blowing from west to east (in the northern hemisphere). Have you heard of the wind rose?
If the wind is tailwind, the aircraft develops a high speed, if the wind is headwind, the aircraft flies more slowly. And the wind depends on the movement of air, and not on the rotation of the Earth.
In addition, more about the rotation of the Earth. The atmosphere also rotates with the Earth. Next, how does the Earth rotate? From west to east, but in practice what happens? That's right, the plane flies faster from east to west. While the floor "logic" should be the other way around. The conclusion is that this rotation plays practically no role.
And yet, do not forget that the plane does not fly in a straight line and at the same flight level. That also affects the duration of the flight.
аватар Kitsune
Sorry, mistake, read "the plane flies faster from west to east." While the floor "logic" should be the other way around. The conclusion is that this rotation plays practically no role.
аватар PolikSVT
Sigur62, all without arrogance, thanks to everyone for the answers! The question seems to be for preschoolers, but how they discussed it and refreshed their knowledge! The brain also needs to be stressed sometimes. What's bad? And about rest - let's!
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