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Rainbow tour or Mibs, who traveled with these tour operators?
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1 subscriber  • asked 2008-04-1817 years ago
Answers  •  27
аватар lvenok
I hear about such operators for the first time, I myself went only through Mostravel
аватар OliaK
I flew through Pegasus and Tez tour ... there were no complaints about Pegasus at all, the Tez tour failed at the departure.
аватар sofochka
Summed it up like? Flight delayed? If so, then the operator has nothing to do with it!
аватар sofochka
Teztour has been receiving the CHOICE OF THE YEAR in Ukraine for 3 years now, I think this is saying something!
Mibs also work well, Rainbow also does not fail, but they are new to the market and the choice of hotels is small.
аватар xeops
Rainbow tour or Mibs are Ukrainian operators, and Mostrevel is Russia.
Rainbow tour - newcomers to our market, I haven't heard any reviews yet. And I would not recommend MIBS. You can fly to Egypt from Ukraine with TEZ, Turtess or Pegasus.
аватар Rjnfetka
Karia Tour is a very good operator!
аватар ksyxa
From Ukraine - Pegasus and not very bad - Turtess
аватар Ryjulya
Teztur, Turtess, Pegasus. Better not take risks, take trusted tour operators
аватар sigma80
Rested h / z Pegasus - well done guys.
аватар HotLine
objective indicators. Mibs has 2 flights a week from Borispol to Sharm and 2 to Hurghada, and these are joint flights with several other operators. Pegasus has 4 for Sharm, 2 for Hurghada and 2 for Taboo. In addition, such operators as TEZ, Pegas, have sending offices and flights from several cities in Russia and Ukraine, their own receiving offices in Hurghada and Sharm. Mibs and Rainbow do not have all this
аватар Galina50
I flew with Pegasus, Teztur and Turtess.
There were no failures with anyone, but "Tez-Turovtsy" shocked with a touching reception in Hurghada in December 2007.
From now on only with Tez-Tour!!!
аватар il_68
Definitely Teztur.
аватар nat11
I flew through turtez. everything was ok! But, everything else... just freaks. Turtez is the best.
аватар kalmyk
traveled with tezturom and not only in Egypt. Everything is just great. That it is only worth passing through the Israeli border separately from all travel companies. The choice of hotels is probably the largest
аватар Tatiana71
Last year we flew with Rainbow to Tunisia. They were very satisfied. Still a German operator. Works very clearly. This year we fly with them to Egypt in June
аватар vera78
Never had problems and got the most comfort only with teztour! And only Teztur! I tried all operators, but Teztur is the best! And you decide! Good luck and have a great holiday!
аватар kaktusoid
Tez Tour - no problem
аватар lili-payn
Turtesse and Kariya-tour
аватар miki08
Tatiana71-It's true that Rainbow tour is a German company. This is not an idle question. In Sharm, we met a German, our spill, and he made it clear to us that their companies very clearly monitor how those whom they sent are resting, and in which case, they deal very seriously with those who violate the contract, meaning hotels. Therefore, even those minor problems that we always have, they do not have.
аватар Azizam
I would also recommend choosing from those who have been dealing with Egypt in our market for a long time - these are Turtes, TezTour or Pegasus ... their service is the same, there may only be slight differences in the hotels and prices offered ...
аватар P_Serg
We flew with TezTour to Egypt and Turkey - everything is ok, both from the sending side and from the receiving side - they work perfectly on all issues! Friends flew through Turtess and Pegasus - there were no problems with Turtess, sometimes there were with Pegasus, but small ones.
I do not recommend flying through Kariya-Tour!!! We recently flew to Sharm, so the departure time was postponed several times for us back and forth, in short, we bought 11 days, and rested only 9. The operator flatly refused to compensate for anything. So save your nerves!
аватар Viltis
They flew to Taboo with Pegasus. And excursions to Jordan and Israel were also taken from Pegasus. If I fly to Egypt again, then only through Pegasus.
аватар Slonenok
Tez Tour, a very good tour operator!
аватар Tatiana71
For miki08. As far as I know, Rainbow tour is an international group - Germany, branch in Poland and since 2007 in Ukraine. They really have a small selection of hotels. As the manager told us, "It is better to work only with the most proven ". For all 15 days of rest, we never had any problems. They settled well right away, gave good places in the restaurant, etc. Despite the fact that there were only 3 of us in the hotel, our guide appeared every day and found us himself and asked how we were doing.
аватар miki08
Tatiana71-Thank you very much, I have already talked with them, looked at their proposals, I think I will try it in the fall.
аватар Zlata28
Teztour - tested on our own experience and the experience of friends and acquaintances
аватар natalymas2011
We went with my son in 2007 to Sharm with Tez Tour, met and sent well. But there were problems with the excursion to Cairo. Sat 4 nights in a row at the reception and waited for the bus with Tez Turov representative. 2 times they simply forgot about us (it was explained to us this way) and 1 time we didn’t have enough space (although they could have put us in the first place because of their own fault).
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