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What is happening?
I looked through the proposals of Egypt from Ukraine.
And in response to "silence" ...
From the regions there is nothing!
Removed departures from all regions (Kharkiv, Donetsk, Lugansk, Odessa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk)
And Tez-Tour and Pegasus.
Remained Dnepropetrovsk (1 time per week-Charm) and Kyiv.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
11 subscribers  • asked 2011-05-0814 years ago
Answers  •  99
аватар papa74
"We, like the Egyptian hoteliers, must somehow compensate for our losses incurred as a result of non-fulfillment of flights to Egyptian seaside resorts," V. Kaganer also said.
According to him, the price of transportation to Egypt has increased by about 30-40%, while the price of accommodation has fallen by 10-20%. All tour operators expect additional discounts from Egyptian hotels.
аватар papa74
Isn't it easier to remove everything?
Well done!
P.S.... V. Kaganer is the CEO of TEZ Tour.
аватар alex45
papa74! I'm not surprised at anything anymore! I asked questions that TA would inform tourists or not
about the situation in the Arab world, they answered me on the "hot line" that there would be a plague in Europe, etc. He read this in some yellow press. I understand that because of the money they will be sent anywhere, and no one for it he won’t answer (it’s their own fault!!! you need to read the newspapers!!!). Therefore, I feel sorry for the beads. I answer only about the weather!
аватар papa74
"hotline" - is it Hotline?
аватар edutuda
Read the news on Egypt, something is happening there again
аватар alex45
Well, of course! Great connoisseur!
аватар aisha_sharm
The situation in Egypt is not stable. But everything is safe in the resort of Sharm El Sheikh and there is no threat to the rest of tourists. time.
аватар alex45
The situation is not only unstable in Egypt, but throughout the Arab world. Is there any threat on Sharm or not yet?
These are different things, when there is a threat and you write, it will not be too late for the one who buys the ticket? Understand me correctly. A year ago I planned to buy a property in Hurghada, and now I
I changed my mind. And Christ or Allah grant that everything is fine with you and I come to you, because I love the Red Sea very much. But for now I can wait, and I don’t know when you
everything will calm down. At one time, under the Soviets, I liked to relax in Gagra, Sukhumi, after their wars I don’t go there. , and in autumn, winter and spring - to Europe
аватар HotLine
alex45, I already have a tradition - you start each post with the phrase:
"You, as usual, distort"
I never quote yellow press. Information on measles in Europe from a report by the World Health Organization.
And papa74's emotions are already devoid of any logic.
And the logic is as follows -
You yourself have been convincing everyone for two months and continue to convince everyone that it is dangerous in Egypt. As a result, demand has fallen. As a result, operators have reduced the number of flights. And first of all, flights from the regions were reduced. These are the LAWS of the market.
Five years ago, there were no flights to Egypt in the summer at all. Then they began to launch them, but only from Kyiv. Then they began to let them in from the regions.
Sharks, revolution, tabloids and manipulators set the Egyptian direction back two years.
I already wrote: a couple of buoys on the beaches of Sharma are your personal names.
And our disputes with you began precisely with the fact that I wrote to you about the responsibility for your expert opinion.
Why this righteous anger now? NOT LOGICAL.
аватар HotLine
And in a normal situation, a charter program to Marsa Alam was supposed to begin by the fall.
аватар AssolX
Well, here, dad wrote about the revolution, criminals, rallies, sharks. They took care of the morality and health of Ukrainian tourists, removed flights.
аватар alex45
You, HonLine, write about the responsibility for expert opinion, and I write about the irresponsibility of TA. In your opinion, you are obliged to report on the situation in the region in accordance with orders, etc. I specifically went to several TAs, asked me to pick Sharm, Hurghada, asked how the situation was there, they answered, like you, "everything is fine", then I decided to "go" to Tunisia or Syria - there "you can also have a good rest" I now put quotation marks especially for you, so that you can see either direct speech or irony. So, again for you, the plague in my post is irony, it can be either "pig", or "bird flu", "rotavirus" or "chicken pox" is an IRONY over your ideas about the danger that awaits me in Europe. And if you write to me about the decline in demand for Egypt in the summer, only what papa says in his messages is nonsense. You know very well about low season in resorts. And the fact that prices have risen in Turkey, write also that
manipulators of public opinion are to blame, that is, experts, and not those who want to return their profits. I don’t want to bear the additional costs of promoting other vacation spots, it’s easier to raise prices.
аватар Kasja23
I remember that when the price of vodka went up, there were once poignant rhymes:
"If vodka becomes eight, anyway we will not stop drinking
Tell Brezhnev - we will drink as before.
If it becomes more - it will be that in Poland,
If it's twenty-five, we'll take Smolny again!"
So, with their actions, TO will simply encourage fans to look for alternative ways. Moreover, they are.
аватар nadin65
alex45 - Maybe you are talking about this "plague", but it's just the name African, but in fact Russian
аватар Phansoft
hello everyone! ))))
Dad, why are they surprised, you led a massive attack in order to buy a hot tour, but in the end you filled up the direction of Egypt with your horror stories)))))
аватар HotLine
to alex45. It distorts again. Just some kind of professional sharpie. Retired.
When I give information about measles from the World Health Organization, and you attribute me the news about the plague from the tabloids. You consider this a joke. And when I write an obvious joke to my dad "a couple of buoys on the beaches of Sharma are your personal names", then this is your nonsense.
You offered me to raise the direction to Corsica (or Sicily - I don't remember) for your advance payment of the tour - 1000 euros. Was that a joke too? Or nonsense? Or do you consider it a serious proposal?
Learn to conduct a dialogue logically, and not cheap visits.
He arranged a survey in TA! Of course, I cannot and do not want to be responsible for all TAs, but tell me that you were answered incorrectly? Are there any official statements about the danger in Egypt, Tunisia? Are there affected Ukrainian tourists? We discussed the dialogue with you in TA. You jumped off this conversation - you advised to send to the Canaries instead of Morocco. This is not a substitute for either security or type of recreation. This is dilettantism.
I can repeat my question once again - formulate your proposals on the procedure for informing tourists and who should be the generator and controller of this information.
аватар papa74
Phansoft, HELLO!
How is it there?
Caught the last mass races.
Now FSE!
аватар Phansoft
I created my own thread here.
аватар alex45
Hotline! I didn’t offer you to raise either Corsica and Sardinia, or the Canaries instead of Morocco, this time! I was able to destroy your direction - these are two! And for my profits, I will speak directly, send people anywhere, and then you will say, these are adults - you must think - these are three! What I wrote to you, that in none
the travel agency didn’t say anything about the situation in the Arab world and they are only interested in selling tours, the way it is, so I don’t believe you are talking about it either. That is, you just keep silent and lie! Therefore, if I am a pensioner then you are a cheater and a liar without a pension, but in a place of bread, and you really don’t want this bread to disappear. After the cheater, I have no desire to communicate with you, I have already talked about this more than once. , we warned them, but they drove off. And read today's reports about the shot bus in Syria and about the arrests involved in the unrest
Muslims in Egypt. But again, you say it's not in my favorite Sharm, blinkered horse! That's it! I'm tired of you!
аватар Phansoft
well, yes .... they lost the messages of the Pope .... ((( And it seems harmless to me. He just thanked me for my support. What's wrong with that?
аватар papa74
Don't worry Phansoft, I copied myself as a reminder ;)))
аватар papa74
There is also the issue of rankings to be dealt with.
500 points disappear per week.
Not bad!?
аватар papa74
With all the assurances of the administration, the minus is very productive.
Some writers could not collect 500 in their entire history, and in a week (two or three ...) my rating is melting with excellent regression.
аватар admin
papa74. You have a bad habit of contacting the admin in the public area of ​​the site.
Before your trip to Egypt, you distinguished yourself here by blatant rudeness. As a result, your account has been blocked.
When it became clear that you flew to the most dangerous (according to you) resort, the account was unblocked in the hope of adequate behavior after returning. But the position regarding you was worked out back then. I bring the workpiece:
1. The position in relation to your "activity" on our site has not changed. We still ask you not to use our site.
2. Due to the fact that your "activity" is regarded by us as manipulative and incorrect, it is subjected to strict moderation on our part. Simply put, we wipe out rudeness and criminal news.
3. Due to the fact that we heard unfounded accusations from you and you did not apologize for them, we are also not interested in your opinion about our work. Relevant your posts also rub.
4. If something does not suit you, then see paragraph 1.
аватар admin
papa74. Regarding the rating, there is also a preparation.
I have the authority to publish it.
But do you want it? We are waiting for an answer to this question.
A very ugly picture has opened up.
аватар papa74
Tinder again.
It is clear that the rating is "drawn"
аватар papa74
Something tells me again
"manipulative and incorrect"
above hotline
"yellow press and manipulators pushed back"
аватар Phansoft
Dad, did you also notice the similarity in the expressions of the admin and Hotline? ))))))
Well... I'm actually not such a revolutionary to wave a flag and a saber on the forum. I have enough showdowns in real life. But for some reason, sometimes I don’t understand the reaction of the administration towards you, Papa, and besides the Hot Line ... Both hot people. One defends his point of view, the other place under the sun. But the administration sees it differently. Even the demonstrative ban on the hotline did not convince me at all ....
In general, you need to run for popcorn. I think more interesting)))
аватар admin
More accusations.
Will you answer the question?
Whether we draw or not is easy to prove. We are ready to discuss the scheme with any expert.
According to the phrase "turpravda manipulators", Google gives out 296 links.
We are waiting for an answer to the question. Everything else off topic will be deleted.
аватар papa74
And what’s the point of talking if they don’t let me say (they wiped out TWO of my (large) messages in the last minute.
This is a one-way conversation.
You are discrediting yourself.
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