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13 subscribers  • asked 2011-04-2114 years ago
Answers  •  190
аватар papa74
Forum members are back.
No one takes Pansy Azura further.
DGIMAL [21.04.11 00:21:54]
"I repeat all the questions and answers on Friday in the afternoon, now I'm tired and tomorrow for a day. In short, the hotel is quiet, but everywhere there is a big alarm.
аватар papa74
"The morning in the restaurant was unusual from the very beginning. The coffee machines did not work (they were not refilled), there were no spoons and forks, the plates were in limited quantities, there were no signs with the names of the dishes, the tables were not served, etc. Anyuta was the first to understand what's the matter - the waiters and service staff were absent as a class.The chefs did everything (served, took away dirty dishes, brought drinks).Because they had no experience, everything was very slow, and often wrong.When I came to the bar behind the juice, behind the counter stood a completely stunned pastry chef. I ask him for juice, Tom doesn’t even ask what kind - he pours the first one he comes across (pineapple)! I ask for mango and guava juice, he looks at me with wild eyes and starts looking for packages. I tell him, that usually the packages are at the bottom of the refrigerator, a grateful smile, and he pours juice for me.We quickly finish breakfast, and I, torn by curiosity, go to Olga to find out what happened.
The reception is deserted, only one person on duty."
аватар papa74
“And we immediately find ourselves at the epicenter of a strike of hotel workers. About two hundred or three hundred people were just approaching the entrance of the hotel. They blocked the roadway and began to shout out some slogans. As one tourist translated to us, they demanded payment of wages for the last three months. Strange , the sea of ​​tourists, the money must be ... The service begins to chant some slogans ...
A crowd of protesters is still standing at the entrance, singing something and periodically chanting. Pick up the kids from the club, take them to lunch. The anarchy in the restaurant continues, although a couple of waiters have appeared (scabs?). Instead of waiters, animators, hostesses and cooks work. It turns out that feeding two children is not twice as many problems, but somewhere around three! "
аватар Janny25
papa74, I'm on your side. I have read many threads on this topic here. And with all my love for Egypt and the Red Sea, I will refrain from traveling there for the time being. Although two of my friends from close circle were there. One just returned from Hurghada, while others with children were there 2 months ago ... As for me, they are crazy ... But either they have an impenetrable nervous system, or they are not aware enough about the complexity of the situation in Egypt. But people say a little, we had a wonderful rest.
As you can see, people are divided into 2 parts: those who understand how dangerous it can be to stay in the country, and those who think: "it will blow me over."
And neither one nor the other can be persuaded.
If they want to take risks, let them take risks! And TA and TO will also earn good money on this.
For our family, the choice here is unambiguous - you can’t go there until the political situation stabilizes, and this, unfortunately, can drag on for an indefinite period. Let me emphasize that we VERY love the Red Sea. And it is a pity to deny yourself the pleasure of being there.
And do not forget that we are all, for the most part, "infidel" for them. Well, you know what the Koran tells you to do with the "infidels." And this trigger mechanism can start at any moment.
аватар miki08
Well, you can not believe papa74, but mannes very described a deplorable picture, and it’s very scary, it personally killed me; “A stationary machine-gun nest (a brick parapet, a machine gun and two policemen) was installed near the hotel. I take out a pack, go to them - they shout warningly, and point to the chips on the ground, they say, you can’t go in for them! Well, no, no, disappointedly I show a pack of cigarettes (here, I wanted to treat you, but you ...) and turn around. The tone of the policeman immediately changes to a friendly one, showing with his hand - come on my way, I see that you are not a terrorist, you will be a guest! Well, really, which one of me is a terrorist with cigarettes in my hand 8-0 I talked for a couple of minutes with an awake policeman (the second slept sweetly in a Jeep).
аватар miki08
But for this essay, I personally would nominate him for an award. I confess myself once I made such a speech to the Italians! From the story of mannes SONG COMPETITION.
In the evening we walk a little and go to bed tired. That night it turned out to be difficult to sleep, because a group of drunken Germans decided to please our corps with the performance of German songs. They settled down on sun loungers near the pool and began their unforgettable performance. Unfortunately, the vocal abilities of most of them were far from perfect, and the time (about half past midnight) clearly did not contribute to a positive assessment of their work. While Anyuta and I were waking up and deciding whether or not to go to them for negotiations, the problem resolved itself. A deep and indignant voice from the balcony of the second or third floor of our building delivered an ultimatum to the Germans in Russian. Since I can write obscene words in the story, an approximate translation from Russian-obscene language into Russian literary is as follows:
аватар miki08
“Dear citizens of Germany, it seems to me that you overestimated your vocal abilities a little, and chose the place and time of the performance unsuccessfully. If in five minutes you do not stop singing songs, then I will be forced to come down to you and apply measures of physical coercion associated with a violent change in your sexual orientation!!! Something like this ... Either the Germans had an interpreter, or they had enough angry intonations, but they quickly rounded off and disappeared. No one bothered us anymore...
аватар AlexL
papa74, why are you giving a review about the trip at the end of March as "fresh impressions", huh?
and quotes must be inserted in full:
"Our tourists begin to jokingly shout to the rhythm "SHAI-BU, SHAI-BU", then "TSA-RYA, TSA-RYA" ;-) The demonstration seems to be peaceful, about forty policemen with weapons control the situation, there is also a hotel guard. We all stood, looked, decide not to change plans, go to the shops.
аватар Janny25
AlexL but agree that what you added is not a picture of a normal and safe holiday.
A peaceful demonstration at any moment can become anything but peaceful.
аватар rostova
rara 74,"Mannes, thanks for the feedback.
You are the only tourist who wrote about the striking staff"
I read, as always, a long and remarkably pleasant review by Mannes. What a pity that you pulled out of it individual phrases about the strike and did not notice the overall positive impression. At the same time we were resting in Sharm. And I did not write about the strikes, not because I am a person interested in embellishing the situation, but because nothing like this was seen or heard. At the end of March, everything was very calm in Sharm. In the Old Market, gold was also sold (unlike, as I understood from Hurghada) and in general everyone is met almost with bread and salt. Although it was somehow empty without the Russians. The situation, of course, can change on any day, but passion, especially taking information from the March review, and lamenting that others do not write about strikes is not worth it.
аватар rostova
Yes, and more. There was a strike of hotel workers due to wage arrears. What does this have to do with the general situation in Egypt? Last year in August, hotel workers in Kemer also expressed dissatisfaction (it can hardly be called a strike) with non-payment of wages. And this was not explained by the political situation in Turkey. Just the peculiarities of the owners and managers of the hotel. It has long been clear to everyone that everyone decides for himself: to go to Egypt or wait. Thank God that I am not a travel agent, not a guide, not a seller of excursions. I am allowed to write. I just love to vacation in this country and want maximum objectivity.
papa74 ''Sellers of excursions, travel agents, guides, please don't worry.''- Yeah, right now, no papa74, where are you and us. Why are you making threads? Created one so hang out in it and pour from empty to ...
But the funniest thing, gentlemen, is that papa74 wrote well, his Charm .., and yesterday he wrote that he was already going here.
аватар papa74
Not March, but April.
"The strike was on April 1, 2011. It lasted a day, while the road was blocked by the police."
аватар aisha_sharm
The same thing for a week. Not tired? Today is April 21. Fresh information. Can I ???
аватар mannes
Arguing about nothing...
Whoever wants to go will go, and no terrible arguments will convince him of the opposite. It is unlikely that there can be a person who will buy a ticket, not suspecting that not everything is calm in Egypt.
I think so - you can go before the elections (at your own peril and risk), and the elections will be held - it will be clear who will come to power (I am sure that the military will remain in power, in one form or another).
I am taking my friends to the airport this Saturday, they bought a ticket to a good hotel on my recommendation. When they asked me whether it was worth going or not, I honestly said: "If you really want to, you can go, but no one will give guarantees!" They decided to go...
аватар kohanchuk2
At first, I also reproached the Pope for excessively politicizing the situation in Egypt, inciting panic ... I even quarreled with him in earnest ... But he is right ... Today in Misrata (Libya), one was killed during the shelling of NATO aviation and artillery our doctor from Zhytomyr (I knew him, he was a good man). After the outbreak of hostilities, the salaries of Ukrainian doctors in Libya increased by 2 times, and if not for this death of a doctor who only once! commented on central television channels, it is not known how many more doctors would have "rushed" for the "money" for the WAR! Before that, it seemed that everything that was happening in this country was also fomenting panic and politicizing the process! Egypt is simply NO! Nobody dissuades ANYONE from traveling to Egypt, you just need to know the REAL STATE OF THINGS !!!
аватар HotLine
How many times have I already written - read about the real state of affairs in the reviews of real tourists.
mannes has long been added to his friends. True, for some reason I did not receive a notification about a new review (this is for my clone admins).
Read, as always, with pleasure. Thanks for that.
аватар alex45
I have already written more than once that until the Arab world calms down, I will wait, although like everyone else, those who write here love Egypt, and more the underwater world of the Red Sea. In the meantime, there are many other countries where we have not been (for example, I want to feast on Italy, it turns out there is
options on how to make a trip at a price comparable to Turkey)
аватар miki08
A close associate of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, called on North African Muslims to stand up to fight both NATO forces in Libya and the forces of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Reuters reported on Friday, citing data from the Institute for the Study of International Terrorism. organizations (SITE). “I want to draw the attention of our Muslim brothers in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and other Islamic states to the fact that if the Americans and NATO troops land in Libya, its neighbors in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and other Islamic states will have to stand up to fight both with Gaddafi's mercenaries and with NATO soldiers," al-Zawahiri was quoted as saying by SITE.
аватар miki08
So everything that is happening there is just the beginning. Egypt will still be drawn into this conflict, on either side.
аватар miki08
So everything that is happening there is just the beginning. Egypt will still be drawn into this conflict, on either side.
аватар papa74
Users: aisha2010, HotLine, Irina_Sharm - travel business employees and are interested in selling tours to Egypt.
Dear guides and travel agents, please read the question header again and do not write flood here.
аватар papa74
Irina61 [ Guide ] [22.04.11 00:15:01]
“I write what is in the country. I also watch their news. That is, these are not my conjectures, but facts. And if these facts do not suit someone, I'm sorry)).
By and large, here now is ordinary anarchy. No government, no police. And what is happening in the south of the country, the language does not dare to call a revolution. Sabotage of clean water.
A sane person will think a hundred times before planning to go here on vacation.
Are they buzzing in Ken? - Buzzing.
Are they on strike in hotels? - They are on strike.
Or do you deny it too?
Whoever thinks that this is all a lie, let him think so.
It’s generally logical for me to write, guys, but get hurt here, let’s all go to Egypt.
But to write the truth that this is happening here, if you like, is my civic duty.
Personally, that's how I understand it."
there, after such words and flooding of travel agencies and travel agents, the topic was closed.
Waiting for the aggravation here...
аватар papa74
21.04.2011 15:25
Iran and Egypt signed an agreement on cooperation in the tourism sector.
"In Tehran on Monday, an agreement was signed between Iranian and Egyptian tourism companies, said the chairman of the Iranian-Egyptian trade council, Muhyaddin Al-Ghandour, according to the Iranian news agency FARS."
That's who will rest in the vacated hotels.
аватар papa74
About crime
Egyptian news (as Google translates and I quote)
"Control of firearms and ammunition, the possession of thugs Balqlliopip
April 21, 2011 - 03:34 pm
At the Tookh police station, the campaign led to the capture of "Muhammad. N. M" (53 years old) a prison fugitive and led Natron, to a prison sentence of 10 years, and found in possession of a machine gun and 106 rounds of the same caliber, and "Salah T. Z "and the glory of" Salah al-Mash "is the risk of escaping than 3 court orders, and possession of firearms and 14 rounds, and his brother" in favor of mash "(37 years old) and possession of firearms, and" Alabama p .p "and glory" Alaa Elf "(28 years old) escapee from prison Tookh Central and the need to implement 10 points and" Muhammad. p. hiding from the implementation of the decisions of 5 provisions, as well as "Abraham. m." blame the demolition of the police station and "Mr. m." (41 years old), and "Muhammad. m. Z" (19 years old) on charges of theft by coercion.
аватар papa74
He also gave the men at the Banha police station to seize all the "Saber. A." (61 years old) escaped from prison and led nitrites to rule 7-year-old, and in possession of 2 kg of banjo, and weapons white "Singa" and "Saad. R. B" (19 years old) unemployed, was charged with 4 cases, and set at his disposal the amount of hashish, "Jalal. p." (18 years old) unemployed, and in possession of a "knife" and "orbital. a. M" (32 years old) seller, and found in possession of a weapon Mechanism and weapons shots and white.
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аватар papa74
Security agencies step up their efforts to fight the gang kidnapped the son of a jeweler
22 April 2011 - 07:30
"The composition of the rest of the gang members are accused of kidnapping a child of 9 years old, threatening his father a jeweler and asking him for a ransom for his release,...
then held the child's father on the phone and asked him the amount of money 80 thousand pounds"
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аватар papa74
Tent: the main task of the Brotherhood of empowering the religion of Allah in the land of Tgibbona has been in the last quarter of a century .. We strive to accept the government of the conduct of Islam
Thursday, 21 April 2011 - 23:45
Alexandria - Khana Abu-l-Ezz
" Eng Shater, deputy leader of the "Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt and the Arab region is a living historical moment to transform the status of underdevelopment to a revolution aimed at the Renaissance, noting that the main task of the" Muslim Brotherhood "is to empower the religion of Allah on earth, and re -Islam in its destruction of human lives and Tobeidhm God and the awakening of the nation on the basis of Islam and to accomplish this task in several stages, starting from the individual and the Muslim world, until the state, emphasizing that the instrument for this is a group, not a party, all the more so that the group is an instrument of integration, not competition. "
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