Read, analyze and draw your own conclusions. Do not forget that if everything is fine at the moment, then it is not easy to build forecasts for tomorrow (anyway, how to make a weather forecast, usually, we all listen to it, but it does not always come true). More
за что ответит? никаких угроз для туристов нет. Сейчас в Египте отдыхают туристы практически из всех стран, даже из тех, которые во время мятежа первыми вывезли своих туристов - Италия, например
what will he answer for? there are no threats to tourists. Now tourists from almost all countries are resting in Egypt, even from those that were the first to take their tourists during the rebellion - Italy, for example More
кстати, вот сообщение админа о ТС из другой ветки:
Профайлы tttushk и SimkaRU, которые являются клонами papa74, заблокированы навсегда.
By the way, here is the message from the admin about the vehicle from another thread:
Profiles tttushk and SimkaRU, which are clones of papa74, are permanently blocked. More