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11 subscribers  • asked 2011-02-0314 years ago
Answers  •  20
аватар ilika15
we newbies need it
аватар nexill
I still can’t understand ... tourists are not taken to Egypt at all or what? We bought a tour for February 17 in Sharm, today they call from a travel agency and intimidate, like don’t hand it in before the 6th, you can return it only with penalties. And we don’t want to hand over anything yet, we hope that everything will settle down in 2 weeks, but they tell us that all flights have been canceled ... I don’t understand anything ???? Looks like some sort of blackmail.
аватар papa74
Do you have TV?
"We don't want to give up yet"
"Looks like some kind of blackmail.."
Look at how the corpses are pulled by the legs in Cairo, yep!
Agent trolls!
Enough to bring confusion!
100% money back.
аватар ilika15
I regretted that I wrote .. I thought that it was human to support each other ... but I got “trolls” ... I don’t urge anyone to go anywhere, I’m not an agent, I was in Egypt once and was fascinated by it forever. I thought that I was communicating with people like me, only more experienced .. but I see only one showdown and personal castling ..
аватар NatashaS
Flights are canceled!!! In Egypt, in fact, a civil war. If you can't imagine what war is like, watch a movie. And you write about blackmail. You're thinking from canceling flights to a popular tour. will someone financially benefit the region?
аватар bolyWAR
Flights are not only canceled, but the evacuation of those who are there begins. Although, three more charters to Egypt (with extreme tourists) should depart from Donetsk by Monday. And from Monday, all charters are canceled! There really gr. war. Today in Hurghada, a crowd of locals attacked (frightened, bullied, threatened) Czech tourists (according to media reports). PS. If you want extreme - "rest", then you can find more meaningful options.
аватар Kasja23
Read the article about Czech tourists on Czech websites. And do not say that the crowd attacked the Czech tourists. Nobody attacked anyone. And the Czechs, instead of sitting on the beach, ran into a crowd of demonstrators. There were about 1000 people there. A nightmare, how many!)))) So the Egyptians themselves brought such ... stupid people to restaurants and cafes, so that they waited until the column of demonstrators passed. And the same "affected Czechs" - the Prokopov family once again got out into the city after nine in the evening. So, would a sober-minded person climb in the dark around a city engulfed in popular uprisings? Even peaceful ones. Despite the fact that Tomasz Prokop himself said that the hotel was safe.
аватар Pachok
And what did 1,000 demonstrators do in the "quiet resort of Hurghada"?
"So, would a sober-minded person climb in the dark around a city engulfed in popular uprisings?"
So after all, "the city is engulfed in popular uprisings" or "everything happens in Cairo, but it's safe here"?
Who can say for sure what the Muslim Arab will think of next? In a country where policemen beg baksheesh from tourists, and millions of people live in dire poverty?
аватар Lenna50
the Prokopov family once again got out into the city after nine in the evening. So, would a sober-minded person climb in the dark around the city, engulfed in popular uprisings? -------------------- Did she understand what she wrote? i suck! or such posts are designed for blondes and idiots? like in Hurghada, fffso zashib, do not you need to leave the hotel after 9 pm for a protest demonstration? so what? comrades, let's not expect that there are only senile pensioners on the site! no offense. I would like to have adequate information.
аватар Kasja23
You and I, dear, did not grazed goats together (you have never heard of brotherhood), and be kind enough to follow the rules of communication. If you filter messages according to your delusions, I wish you success. And so on this site, the discussion of problems will result in negotiations about nothing by a couple of inadequate personalities. Therefore, I wish to stay
and further in the complete illusion of the only one's own
impeccable awareness. There is nothing to talk about here. Push the panic further.
аватар bolyWAR
2 Kasja23 :
1. Do people go not to LTP, but to a not too cheap vacation to sit in the evenings (and in general during the entire stay) at the hotel?
2. Today they "peacefully" demonstrate something, and tomorrow they will go to enrich themselves at the expense of tourists? Who will give GUARANTEE of safety???
3. Hurghada is very bright (in the dark), or rather illuminated city. We repeatedly went out in the evenings to the center of Hurghada (McDonald's area, $2 taxi) to take a walk and have fun. Nine in the evening is the very beginning of tourist time in the city: for shopping, walking, entertainment. Therefore, your passage about "... And the same" injured Czechs "- the Prokopov family once again got out into the city after nine in the evening. So, would a sober-minded person climb in the dark around the city, covered by popular uprisings? Even peaceful ones. " Inadequacy of tourists groundless. The Egyptians are now inadequate, having started their own showdown in the very season. We could wait until summer.
4. No one is causing panic here,
people who have been to Egypt and are now going there are just talking. Inadequate, just the statements of those who are trying to groundlessly "calm" people. In my opinion - these are employees of travel agencies.
аватар Lenna50
incomparable female workers are trying to prove in a boorish form that black is white. It is already clear to the most ignorant that Egypt is closed for recreation.
аватар bolyWAR
For those who are not serious about the events in Egypt:
аватар nexill
Hmm, really .. it’s not clear what’s divorced here, everyone will decide for himself whether it’s dangerous or not ... and there’s nothing to zaserat each other with foam at the mouth, otherwise you here in such a controversy resemble the events in Cairo .. you started against the authorities, but arranged fraternal stabbing
аватар lizza61
We were going to Egypt for the New Year, then we thought to go after, so as not to overpay. The agency offered a departure on the 13th and the amount of the ticket ended at 666. I tell my husband, listen, this is too much, we will fly later, in February, for example, and then THIS started ... Yes .... There are sharks in the sea, and behind the wall of the hotel furious Egyptians. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND those people who are going there now. The "locals" are simply disgusting, arrogant, dirty and, in my opinion, they clearly dislike tourists, what can we expect from THEM now ?! I WOULD NOT GO for any money, even if the ticket has already been paid! God is with them, with money, LIFE IS MORE EXPENSIVE!!!
аватар uana04
And in my opinion, so why risk your life and health. Rent out a ticket, take the money... After all, you can have a great rest in another place... In the same Tai, for example
аватар nexill
But who argues, of course you can, if the difference of 50-70 thousand rubles is not noticeable. We bought a tour to Aqua blue in Sharm for 9 nights, which cost us 44 thousand .. we would be happy to "have a great rest elsewhere" with equal comfort and for the same money. Unfortunately, we are not able to throw out as many more ((((
аватар nexill
uana04 tell me if you know more precisely - where is another place where you can have a great rest for the same money?
аватар Pachok
For a thousand euros in winter on the warm sea, unfortunately, nowhere.
Another question is what is more important - safety or the desire to relax.
There are options, if you do not rest only on heat and the sea.
аватар Kasja23
For example, Cruise in Antarctica. It's summer there now.
(Just kidding, 44 thousand won’t fit there either)
In general, it is not known who else is from the travel agency.
Are they not those who persuade three people to hand over vouchers and buy one and a half or two times more expensive (and prices were raised a couple of days ago, with the onset of hysteria) and on BB
to Emirates or Tai...
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