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Where in Kyiv to buy the book "Fish of the Red Sea"?
Or something like that. In Egypt, of course, they are everywhere, but you still need to fly there, and I want to make a New Year's gift.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
4 subscribers  • asked 2010-12-2514 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар papa74
"Guide to coral reefs. Red Sea" Illustrated guide: 1200 species of marine animals.
Edward Liske and Robert F. Myers in collaboration with Klaus Fiedler
I consider it the BEST purchase and gift.
The price tag in Egypt is about $40
аватар papa74
The book was recently presented in Moscow by the author of the translation, ichthyobiologist Dmitry Zhadan, on the site of divers
But this is Moscow, not Kyiv (Ukraine) ...
try using a search engine to search in Ukraine EXACTLY THIS book.
Or make an order for tourists departing to Sharm (on departure 100% in the right shop, in the waiting room)
аватар nadin65
In the online store you can order by mail, contact them, there are contacts
аватар Lu-la-la
Thank you, good people! The trouble is that those who are leaving for Egypt will return next year. The online store is Russian, and even if you agree on delivery to Ukraine, they will not be in time for NG. Looks like I'll have to come up with another gift ...
аватар nadin65
I have repeatedly ordered different goods from online stores, and delivery is a maximum of 3 days, but more often on the second day.
Of course, the problem here is that in Russia, but your friends probably have frequent business trips, or acquaintances come to relatives.
аватар Pachok
There is a book from a series of guidebooks series Around the World "Diving. Red Sea. Guide". Not bad, but this, of course, is not an atlas of fish. But there is almost in all bookstores and on Petrovka.
Online stores too:
Yes, and in general, it is useful to go to Petrovka. Maybe someone has already brought there from Moscow a guidebook indicated by dad and nadine :)))
аватар Lu-la-la
Around the World "Diving ..." I saw, but it's not quite a gift option. I'll try to call someone from tomorrow. If they can’t deliver to NG, I’ll go to Petrovka.
Thank you all for the advice!
аватар jabetta
I agree with the Pope about the book "Guide to the Coral Reefs. Red Sea" - by far the best reference book. The only thing I wanted to say is that in Hurghada (at the airport) we bought it for $ 27. This year, they traveled all over the book places there in order to buy a new next gift for themselves, but nothing worthy has appeared yet. So, we found the designated guide for the same $ 27, although for some it cost all 40 (there are such different prices).
аватар papa74
There is another sample of book and printed products.
About Indo-Pacific
"Indo-Pacific CORAL REEF Field guide"
Dr. Gerald R Allen & Roger Steene
1800 illustrations
аватар papa74
Including the Red Sea. I recommend. English.
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