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New Year in Egypt
Who celebrated the New Year in Egypt, please share your impressions.
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7 subscribers  • asked 2010-10-1814 years ago
Answers  •  8
аватар Anetka-gan
What are you exactly interested in?
in Egypt, NY is not a holiday, i.e. for the Egyptians themselves. so all the festivities are arranged purely for tourists. either in the hotel restaurant or discos. Of course, there are Mary Christmas and Happy New Year posters everywhere! but this is not our Soviet scope.
аватар Lu-Lu
Interested in celebrating the New Year in hotels, organizing a holiday for tourists. Is the program interesting, fireworks, festive table, etc. Who was in which hotel for the new year. In general, in the end, like it or not.
аватар Janny25
I’m also interested, but most of all I’m interested in whether it’s cold there at New Year’s time? Is this the coldest time for them? Probably not to climb into the sea ... or is it still tolerable?
It’s just that I was in mid-February and I would like some warmer water, in January it’s even colder ...
Anyway, how is the weather there? Who was? share your impressions.
It’s just that for me the most valuable thing in Egypt is the sea, and if I can’t get into it because of the cold, then the vacation is gone ...
аватар KamillaK
I join the questions, the topic is relevant. Why are there still no answers. Thank you.
аватар alenka2601
We rested last year on New Year's Eve in Hurghada, Caribbean hotel. You can see photos of the celebration of the new year in this hotel in my reviews of this hotel. I want to say that for this new year we are again going to the same hotel
аватар Anetka-gan
I won’t answer about the feast, because I don’t like them and don’t visit them, in the same Aida they made a separate hall for the celebration itself. there was a show program.
the weather is warm. I didn't come out of the sea. cool in the evening. but not frost -20C like ours)))
аватар Gudik
Everyone who celebrated New Year's Eve in hotels is somehow not very happy (from my acquaintances).
The table will not differ much from an ordinary dinner. All the same animators will razvekat.
The weather in Sharm is gorgeous in December-January. In the evening / at night it is a little cool, and everything is wonderful. On the beach in a bathing suit and a Santa hat)
аватар Zlata28
the weather is good at this time
and the celebration of New Year's Eve is rather weak ...
boring and the feast ends in the first hour of the night
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