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Sunrise Royal Makadi
Hello everyone! We go in March, and here - such a negative review about this hotel. I understand that once you bought a ticket, you can’t get out of the submarine, but the opinion of experienced and knowledgeable people is important: how is it? Is it really all creepy and there is construction going on? Thanks to everyone
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no subscribers  • asked 2008-02-2717 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар maha82
I personally have not been to Makadi, I went only to Holiday. But I will say one thing - hotels of the Sunrise chain cannot be bad by definition !!! And even if there is a construction site, believe me, it will not spoil your excellent impression of the rest! So don't read bad reviews! You will like everything 100%! The main thing is a positive attitude to rest!
Good luck!!!
аватар kot_kv
I was nearby (almost) in Soma Bay, there is also construction going on - but this does not interfere with rest at all, the area is fenced off - believe our construction site and their construction are very different. There is no noise, dust, or the slightest inconvenience. You just know that they are building something there and that's all. get ready and do not forget sunscreen - both before and after tanning :)
аватар Nikolay_Kiev
And sho, in nature, the Nile is narrower than the Dnieper, only longer. :) It was necessary to send this "main " to Lake Nasr. There, the size would definitely fit: 10-15 km wide and almost 400 long. It’s a pity we don’t sell cruises on the lake, at least I haven’t seen them, and when visiting Abu Simbel, the guide said that there were no applications from our operators for such cruises yet.
аватар larik1971
no construction near the hotel will spoil the impression, it is practically unnoticed. The hotel has an excellent green area, and since you will be inside this hotel, believe me. you will not care about the construction site !!!!!
аватар natalijan
The construction will end at the end of March, as it is written in the Tez tour. We also fly there on March 28, I think that there will be no construction. :)
аватар GlamGirl
Just got out, everything is great! Those who write negative reviews, let them sit in the Crimea and be silent! The hotel is just super, near the corals, deep, but the sunset is good. And there is a lot of food! For all tastes!
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