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hotel chain “DESSOLE”
Pegasus becomes the owner of a chain of hotels.
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6 subscribers  • asked 2010-09-1514 years ago
Answers  •  13
аватар papa74
We draw your attention to the change in the names of the hotels included in the network of hotels "DESSOLE", managed by the company "PegasMisr".
Our network is called “Dessole”, which is a combination of the words “desert” and “sun” in Latin. The name "Dessole" is a perfect description of the location of our hotels, where the sun shines all year round in the desert on the picturesque coast of the Red Sea.
Our main task is to provide high quality service and traditional hospitality in the resorts of Egypt in the Dessole hotels.
Royal Rojana Resort – Dessole Royal Rojana Resort
Seti Sharm Palm Beach Resort – Dessole Seti Sham Resort
Cataract Resort – Dessole Cataract Resort
Cataract Layalina – Dessole Cataract Layalina
Sinai Garden Resort – Dessole Nesco Waves
Sinai View Resort – Dessole Nesco Joyous
Holiday Taba Resort – Dessole Holiday Taba Resort
Marlin Inn Resort – Dessole Marlin Inn Beach Resort
Pyramisa Sahl Hasheesh – Dessole Sahl Hasheesh Beach Resort
We merged our hotels under the name “Dessole” and changed our brand name, but the quality of service and hospitality
аватар papa74
and the hospitality of our staff remained unchanged. We are valued for the fact that we take into account the wishes of our regular customers and improve the quality of service every year, striving to meet the expectations of our guests.
аватар papa74
Do you think the quality of services provided in these hotels will suffer?
аватар Anetka-gan
especially liked the "hospitality of our staff remained unchanged".
The quality will change if they change the entire staff of Pegasus and teach them the basic rules for communicating with customers. one gets the impression that there is a bunch of assholes =) sorry
аватар vda75
Considering the low level of service quality of Pegas Touristik itself, one should not expect something unearthly and exclusive from the PegasMisr subsidiary (as they say, an apple from an apple tree ...) Although this is IMHO.
аватар papa74
Anetka, but when Pegasus drops in price so much when it "sunburns", I try to love it ;)))
And I use his services ... though not in these hotels ...
And now, ONLY Pegasus has my Fantasy. If Tez does not enter it into his list, I will have to go from Pegasus again ...
аватар oksana.z
These hotels used to be Pegasovsky "exclusive", they were simply united under one name, I think nothing has changed in them anymore.
аватар oksana.z
Sorry, I meant to write "exclusive".
аватар Anetka-gan
dad, but for the price only and love! I ride with them in their chips =) but that doesn't stop me from teaching their guides how to talk to tourists! =) my favorite hotel is also cheap only at Pegasus, Teztur raised the price for it.
although in the winter they hired Uzbeks, they were more decent, and there were Russian guides - even shoot!
аватар Phansoft
Dad, are you tired of Fantasy? Aren't you interested in something new?
аватар papa74
Phansoft, open the map, look at the sea for five kilometers, but to the north 1.5 ...;)
аватар shapirko
in hurghada, merlyn inn has not suffered yet .... it has not become worse
аватар K1urt
Been to three of these hotels - only positive impressions.
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