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How much money do you need??
Please tell me how much money you need to take with you for two .. We are going to Hurghada ... And what excursions can I take, and how much do they cost ...
In short, we do not know how much to take money ...
Thanks in advance..
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no subscribers  • asked 2008-02-0417 years ago
Answers  •  13
аватар Azizam
Excursions can be as follows: Cairo + Alexandria or Cairo for 2 days - these are 150 USD / person; Cairo one day or Luxor one day - $70-75/person;
motorcycle safari - 35 USD / person, a trip to the coral islands - 15-20 USD / person ... Just think
аватар nepala
we took 400$
enough with the head
аватар radistka_ket
Depending on how many excursions you expect!? Their cost is from $ 25 to $ 200 - this is Jordan and Israel, buying the best from the guide will be 100% guaranteed and plus the guide makes discounts.
аватар Zlata28
We took 500 for two. Enough for excursions and souvenirs home, there is still a little left, but this is considering that we went on the "All Inclusive" system, that is, in the hotel itself, except for tips, we did not spend a single ruble.
аватар slawko
you go to the website of the operator through whom you are flying - they have a schedule of excursions and prices. just don't get fooled by merchants in the city.
and for gifts, decide for yourself how much you don’t mind
аватар Valerapetrov
With the boarding house system, all inclusive is 600 euro per person. You can take excursions in the city, you can see what prices the agency has, you can bargain for a discount. you can also drive it. In Cairo, you can buy everything cheaper, I bought 1 carpet and two camel wool tracks there for only 100 ye.
аватар olga_as
Excursions from 20 to 300$. The most expensive are Jerusalem, Jordan. I agree that excursions can only be bought from a guide at the hotel. Take a trip to the pyramids, to a safari, to a water park, it will be enough. And if you still decide to drive to Israel or Jordan, then expect that $ 500-600 for two will fly away, based on this it is better to take at least $ 800-1000 per person.
аватар Lenuskina
And how long are you going? If for a week, then excursions + 100-150 dollars for souvenirs. You won't be able to spend more anyway. If for 2 weeks - on the 9th day the hotel gets bored and pulls to disco, bars, restaurants.
I spent $700 in 2 weeks in December. I bought 3 excursions, a suitcase and filled it to capacity with gifts. The coolest gift is a T-shirt. With embroidery and double stitching in the old town, it costs $6. With a pasted picture is cheaper.
аватар lerana07
for 2 people, on average, it costs $ 500-600, this is so that the head does not hurt. Let them stay better than not enough.
аватар il_68
From Hurghada to Israel and Jordan is not profitable: expensive and tiring. Cairo, Luxor - sure, prices see above +/- $ 10 from different operators
аватар angel_dms
Where did you get such high prices? Cairo 70? From Sharm you can and should take for 40. ATVs 20. Israel 100-110. Diving 40-45. Do not take more expensive, anyway you will ride the bus with the same people who overpaid and do not know about it! The most common gifts are papyri 2 cu A4, perfume oils 10 cu 50 ml, stuffed pillows 20 cu, hookahs from 15 cu, cool 40, hookah tobacco 1-2 pounds a pack (I recommend! It’s hard to get such tobacco here!)
аватар angel_dms
As a continuation - perhaps a little more expensive from Hurghada, I don’t know, I wasn’t. I don't think it's significantly different. Distances are almost the same.
аватар Slonenok
We went on only one excursion "a walk in the east ", for two 60 USD, we spent it on souvenirs, well, of course it depends on your desires, and if you want everything at once, then of course you will spend money. don’t take it, well, 20-30 USD just in case, if you don’t go on excursions, even on the way back and for visas, 100 USD in general would be enough for two
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