Купили пакетный тур Хургада на 9 ночей, библио глобус, через 5 дней нас выселили и отправили домой, сказали что у вас поддельный ваучер. Я в шоке. Кто сталкивался, кому жаловаться?
We bought a package tour of Hurghada for 9 nights, a biblio globe, after 5 days we were evicted and sent home, they said that you had a fake voucher. I'm shocked. Who faced, to whom to complain?
We bought a package tour of Hurghada for 9 nights, a biblio globe, after 5 days we were evicted and sent home, they said that you had a fake voucher. I'm shocked. Who faced, to whom to complain?
7 subscribers •
2022-08-173 years ago