Собираемся ехать с подругой в Египет, подскажите, пожалуйста, отели на первой линии, бюджет минимальный. Сколько стоит виза, как насчёт связи, нужно что-то покупать (симка и т.д.)?
We are going to go with a friend to Egypt, tell me, please, hotels on the first line, the budget is minimal. How much does a visa cost, what about communication, do I need to buy something (sim card, etc.)?
We are going to go with a friend to Egypt, tell me, please, hotels on the first line, the budget is minimal. How much does a visa cost, what about communication, do I need to buy something (sim card, etc.)?
12 subscribers •
2021-07-284 years ago