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Tell me, how are things going if a tourist falls ill in Egypt with a "crown"? If you need the help of doctors, hospitalization, CT, oxygen. Maybe there are reviews of real tourists somewhere, how the treatment went.
Tell me, how are things going if a tourist falls ill in Egypt with a "crown"? If you need the help of doctors, hospitalization, CT, oxygen. Maybe there are reviews of real tourists somewhere, how the treatment went.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
17 subscribers  • asked 2020-10-294 years ago
Answers  •  21
аватар moy_contakt
If you are interested from the point of view of "what if", then they treat you. But, none of our insurance on tours, even covid, does not fully cover all expenses and no matter how much the Egyptian authorities trumpet that they are treating, but this is the case (with many unknowns). As for our insurance for the tour, then there is generally laughter. It has a period of validity, and you can get sick for more than this period. And as soon as your period of illness has gone beyond the validity period of the insurance, they wash their hands and tell you that everything is over, the insurance is over and then your expenses do not concern them (including the return ticket). There are many questions, the algorithm has not yet been worked out ... and in fact they are trying to get the tourist back to their homeland as soon as possible.
аватар Fancase
It is necessary to read the terms of insurance, what it covers and how much. It is correctly written above that it has a period of validity. Therefore, it is better to rely on yourself and your financial capabilities ...
аватар ksus12345
I am more concerned about the level of medicine, how staffed the hospitals are, whether there are English-speaking staff, treatment protocols, etc. Has anyone come across or read a review about this?
аватар moy_contakt
I'll tell you this. Dad was hospitalized in April 2019 (pressure, heart, etc.), examined in full, the ward is excellent. For 3 days they treated him and with a folder of examinations he was safely discharged. Dad rested for 14 nights and he says that he combined business with pleasure. All treatment was fully covered by insurance. A friend and her husband also asked for help - her husband grabbed an appendix. Everything was done at the highest level. I won’t say specifically about the treatment of covid, but the fact that the hospitals there are well equipped and the doctors know their job is a fact.
аватар moy_contakt
Dad does not know English, but doctors know English and communicate in English. They spoke with him partially in English, Russian (there were some who knew a little) and gestures)))))
аватар klichko
Medicine, oddly enough, at a good level. Many have tested medicines on themselves and are now constantly buying them. Egypt in the recent past was a British colony. English is the second national language, it is obligatory even in schools. And with higher education and even more so
аватар klichko
do you really need to go to Egypt now?
Don't ask stupid questions, don't get stupid answers. And what about Egypt? With such logic, you don’t need anywhere and no one until the cancer whistles
klichko, With normal logic, UNTIL everything that happens is over, it is DESIRABLE not to move somewhere without special need in principle. About the whistling cancer I did not understand at all. It’s on fire for you personally - fly, I actually didn’t ask you and didn’t need your stupid answers.
аватар ksus12345
author, do you really need to go to Egypt now?
Well, if from the point of view of the epidemic situation, then it is safer to sit there than here. We have more patients and judging by the answers, medicine is better there
ksus12345, medicine can be better, but it will be very expensive for the money. But your right, have a good rest.
аватар klichko
))) Misunderstanding with cancer fits into the logic. With such neuroticism, only lock yourself at home and soak in a salt bath
The tour site is not a place for horror stories "everyone sit down, don't rock the boat." People live by their own mind, not by other people's fears. True, covid brought to the crest of the wave not only virology, but also psychiatry
аватар YanaKaramel
ksus12345 Plus!
аватар YanaKaramel
purpurpur Everything is compared, challenge Boris with all the tests, including for Covid 8700, in Sharm you will be treated for a year for this money))))
аватар YanaKaramel
Ugh ugh my everyone who flew, it doesn’t matter Turkey or Egypt, no one came across this and everything was calm in the hotels, the only thing was at the very beginning of March or April, the blogger was reading a young girl with a child who lived in charm she herself was from Ukraine, got sick and here she described from and to how she was treated, in principle, according to stories and photos, not a single one of our infections can be compared with the level where she lay and how she was treated, it was not a private clinic, which is important, everyone is alive and well.
аватар allsafat
Staying there is quite realistic, and if you rent an apartment and not live in a hotel, then it’s not expensive, of course, if you have a constant income, the standard TO insurance covers $ 30,000, but it can be increased and extended for the planned trip time. Of course, it is better to insure separately in a reputable insurance company, and not those that offer TO. It is unlikely that it will be expensive, since in Egypt there are 1.7 patients per 100,000 of the population, and even those are mainly in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez. Ride with God if you wish.
аватар mindguru
In hospitals, only senior medical staff speak English. Nurses, nurses, security guards, cleaners, etc. they don’t know English in principle or at best a couple of words, but they don’t know Russian even more so. Doctors are quite qualified and here you may not have enough vocabulary or patience, as they usually speak very quickly with a bunch of special terms. So - learn English, useful in any country! Have a nice holiday.
аватар svarjuna
As for sitting and not going anywhere - so the coronovirus is for a long time - for 2 years, I think, or it will go into the category of flu. The world in general is a dangerous thing :)) Now everyone is scared of the crown. And no one canceled malaria, ebola, dengue, sleeping sickness either. Yes, and at home from the bazaar, the wrong fungus can get in, and in your own apartment you can get screwed up from a stool ... So .. Everyone chooses for himself, IMHO.
аватар super.mila2905
You better find the story of our tourist about a trip to Turkey, where she and her family drove to the hotel in a bus with a covidnik. What passions were there, how they were closed in the room for quarantine, etc. It won't seem like much.
Also, stand in line to take the test. And I would like the result to be exactly negative, and not through one.
Yes, and wait a bit, otherwise, given that the number of cases is increasing every day, maybe in a week or two we will be quarantined again. Everyone and everywhere!!!
аватар Morkovkin
1. The issue of medical care in any case is solved either by your own pocket or insurance. The insurance company may, under the terms of the contract, return the amount spent by the tourist in the presence of paid checks. It's about hospitalization.
2. Treat covid in Egypt + - (2 November 2020, there have been 107,736 approved cases of COVID-19 with 6,278 deaths). It is impossible to call mecca for recovery.
3. Hospitals of resort towns are more focused on "profile " appeals: ski traumatologists, sea-barotrauma, poisoning. It is hardly worth counting on a sufficient number of ventilators.
well, at the very end, if they write what is being treated, and everything is ok, and sketch reviews "my friend, whose godmother heard the story of a colleague at work " will you go? And if in fact everything turns out the other way around, what if it's already there? The question of your own safety is a matter for each person and the residual decision, taking into account the risks, is up to you.
аватар Morkovkin
"Well, if in terms of the epidemic situation, it is safer to sit there than here. We have more patients and judging by the answers, medicine is better there "
Compare the following statistics
Ukraine Situation 2 November 2020, there have been 395,440 approved cases of COVID-19 with 7,306 deaths.
Egypt Situation 2 November 2020, there have been 107,736 approved cases of COVID-19 with 6,278 deaths
Here is an article about their "betrayal " in the treatment of covid
аватар camomille
If you go, it is advisable to play it safe and, in addition to standard MOT insurance, buy insurance on your own.
Now insurance companies offer travel insurance that takes into account the situation with the coronavirus. The insurance will not be valid for the dates of the tour, but will cover the entire period of treatment. In the situation with repatriation also.
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