Долго выбирала отель в Марса Аламе, выбрала Роял Брайка из-за бухты, красивого рифа и хор. сервиса. Но предложили Хилтон. Кто-то может сравнит, где лучше риф, подводный мир и бухта?
I chose a hotel in Marsa Alam for a long time, I chose Royal Braika because of the bay, beautiful reef and choir. service. But offered Hilton. Can someone compare where the reef, underwater world and bay are better?
I chose a hotel in Marsa Alam for a long time, I chose Royal Braika because of the bay, beautiful reef and choir. service. But offered Hilton. Can someone compare where the reef, underwater world and bay are better?
6 subscribers •
2019-07-226 years ago