Последнее время интернет кишит инфо о предполагаемой активности акул в апреле-июне в Шарме Хургаде,в конце июня собираюсь в Марса Алам это не безопасно?Раньше ездил без проблем
Lately, the Internet has been teeming with information about the supposed activity of sharks in April-June in Sharm Hurghada, at the end of June I’m going to Marsa Alam, isn’t it safe? I used to go without problems
Lately, the Internet has been teeming with information about the supposed activity of sharks in April-June in Sharm Hurghada, at the end of June I’m going to Marsa Alam, isn’t it safe? I used to go without problems
4 subscribers •
2024-04-081 year ago