A sudden check revealed… Part 2

Written: 4 april 2011
Travel time: 5 — 17 october 2010
Trip to Shun Bay*
Returning from an excursion to Abu Dabab, we found Jabetta and Walrus in a state of delight. They went to Shun Bay on their own. And all the conversations rolled to: - We must go! There uuuu…! : )
Jabetta-oh, two more applicants were found, a hotel taxi was ordered, the day was appointed, everything is ready.

The taxi, which turned out to be a bus with 12 seats, briskly rolled south along an empty morning road. The weather was windless. Good company and the expectation of a meeting with the beautiful - caused general excitement. Upon arrival, we found ourselves in front of a closed barrier. So, right in the middle of the deserted shore, there is only one exit and it is ennobled. There is a serious approach to the withdrawal of income from tourists; ) Our driver - this never embarrassed. Deftly turning around, he skillfully returned 400 meters to the “building” standing by the road, assembled from improvised Egyptian materials. There sat a serious Egyptian grandfather - like "Bedouin". Having discussed all the points with the carrier, grandfather jumped into the bus with us, and we returned back to the barrier. Where they were immediately let ashore. Jabetta, having given the driver “for tea”, explained to him in English that we would now change clothes and bring our clothes to the bus for safety. The driver nodded in agreement, and we moved to the water's edge. But what was our bewilderment and some anxiety when we saw how our bus resolutely moved back along the highway. No one expected such an arrangement! The question arose - what to do! ? There are 30 meters to the highway, we will now sail away, and valuable gear will remain on the shore. Seeing our confusion, grandfather began to explain to us in his pure Arabic. Judging by the gestures and intonations, in Russian this can be interpreted something like this:
- Do not be afraid, sons! I'll look after your good here! Everything will be OK!
This statement was received by us with a fair amount of skepticism.
The sun happily baked - something had to be done... without going into details, I’ll say that Walrus, in the best traditions of paratrooper saboteurs, buried and disguised the place of the hole so that when we swam ashore, he was puzzled by the question - where did I hide everything ? ! : )
It would seem to what all this lyrics! ? For myself, I concluded: Going into this kind of adventure, proceed from the principle that I carry everything with me.
On this topic, the exciting moments of this trip can be considered disclosed.

In front of us lay the mirror of Shun Bay, the low tide exposed the “washboard” of the sandy bottom. The water in shallow water was heated to hotness. Because of the calm on the water, there are no landmarks to determine the location of the reef. In order not to slosh in fins at a knee-deep depth, I lay down on the water and move my hands along the sandy bottom in the direction somewhere out to sea. There is sand all around, the depth increases very slowly, and now “under the keel” is 1 meter - finally you can swim calmly in fins, I take it to the right, and a reef wall begins to appear in a foggy haze. We swim along the reef, admiring the bizarre coral relief, the depth is up to 7-8 meters. Everything is perfectly visible. There are a lot of fish here. There are no waves, sailing is a pleasure. We got almost to the exit from the bay and turned back. The first ship approached the opposite side of the bay, now they will begin to drive a crowd of tourists. In the center of the bay there should be an underwater coral island, we swim there. This is the perfect place for photos. Depth up to three meters, flat sandy bottom reflecting light and coral gardens almost to the surface. Just great natural light. Time flies by unnoticed - it's time to leave. The rising tide helps to move towards the shore. On land, we were met by local girls with their not tricky goods. A Toyota pickup truck with diving equipment was being unloaded. There were already three ships in the bay. The wind picked up. There was no trace of that morning deserted calm. Our bus was already waiting for us. We changed and drove back to the hotel. At the reception paid for the taxi and moved to a restaurant on the beach. There, sitting on a hot wooden deck, they slowly enjoyed cold bottled beer. The trip went well. The weather, the tide, the place, the company - everything was perfect.
I recommend a must visit. Preferably in the format described. But they also take them there on a ship, they make one of the stops there.
* from "folk" words. . . and it sounds cool to me, that's why I'll call it that
Although upon arrival I "rummaged" the Internet and report what it really is:
Marsa-Shuni bay (source of the map of the General Staff (square G36))
Marsa Shouni Kebir (source wikimapia. org)
A bay with 3 separate diving and snorkeling sites. Accessible from the shore or by boat from Port Ghalib.
What, according to the "mega robo-translator" means: A bay with 3 separate diving and snorkeling sites. Accessible from shore or by boat from Port Ghalib.
Reports from spy satellites:
E34°40'35.75" N25°28'0.06" for shore entry. The barrier looks like this http://www.panoramio.com/photo/17584653
E34°40'49.32" N25°28'9.36" ships anchor here.
Distance from Crowne Plaza Sahara/Oasis Hotel is approximately 13 km.
Order a taxi (recorded to the number, issue a receipt) at the reception (there / back) = $ 55, regardless of the number of people.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original