Excursion to the bay of Abu Dabab

Written: 30 october 2010
Travel time: 5 — 17 october 2010
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Abu Dabab bay

E34°44'27.30" N25°20'26.21" - 28 km from Crowne Plaza Sahara/Oasis Hotel

Back at home, it was decided that on this trip to Marsa, we should still visit the well-known Abu Dabab bay.
Heard a lot of different things about it, read and all that ...Doubts were only in the way of visiting this very bay: "civilized" from the tour operator or "savages" on their own. Both methods had their pros and cons. As a result, when meeting with the guide and announcing Teztur's requests for this action, they leaned towards the traditional way. For according to the price layouts that RARA74 provided (unless, of course, you don’t bargain, but I don’t know how to do it and don’t like it), it came out about $ 25-30 per person (there were three of us) ...Teztour wanted $ 40 (for a day with meals )...Lack of desire to make any body movements prevailed and waving his hand: -Aaaa...wrap it up!

The calculation was that we will use the transfer and the entrance to the beach, and we will swim on our own according to a roughly drawn up plan.
Arrived on the 9th at the Jabetta Hotel with her husband, having learned that we had already paid for Abu Dabab, several of us were scolded for haste and outlined in more detail what and where to sail ...

The bus was delayed by 30 minutes...we were the last ones...not far to go...we are there. The beach has been described more than once - sandy. We are not fans of sand because it did not cause enthusiasm. They occupied the farthest fungus and began to get clothes ...hmm ...sunbeds are just an ambush, maybe they look beautiful in the pictures, but the practicality is minus ...just look so that you don’t tear your legs. Fungus suit them! Withered palm leaves fall to a height - that you can crawl under them only by bending rather strongly. The usability of this bunch of sunbed-fungus is minus ten : (

We grabbed hydras / masks / flippers and forward to sunset. The sunset is gently sloping sandy, there is no pier or at the worst pantone : (
Maybe divers in their boats don’t care about the sand in fins, but we don’t get high on bare feet.
put on flippers at a depth of shin and shuffling belly along the bottom moved into the depths of the bay, gradually taking to the north. the weather was windy, the water was cloudy. Nothing out of the ordinary, my wife is not very enthusiastic about everything, I’m trying to dive - figurines (yesterday I got a runny nose from the kondeya, I don’t feel very well) it’s hard to blow through: (It’s hard to swim - a small current and oncoming waves ...I’m trying to dive in and we continue to stubbornly swim "to the north" - in a muddy blue haze at depths of 5-10, there is a rather interesting relief, but you won’t particularly admire it from the surface. For snorkeling conditions are "not ice"...I feel my wife's dissatisfaction, but all the same, we almost swam to the planned turning point, a decent turbulence began...we are returning...The second stage is viewing turtles in the center of the bay. I take it to the left of the reef.

Depth of 15 meters ...sandy bottom in a gray-blue haze, a vague silhouette - Skat! I’m diving...it hurts my filled teeth and maxillary sinuses...Hmm, I dived: (Let’s go in a wide formation, the grass is below, well, where do tortillas live here! ? - no, everyone already has a break, the water within sight is empty. I decide to come closer to the southern part of the bay in a semicircle, it becomes smaller and here it is - turtles and two sticks on it. I call my wife and take the camera from her, dive ...Then it was there are still many turtles - it turns out we went too deep. They hang out with the whole herd closer to the shore. We swim and take pictures ...we decided not to swim to the south side of the bay but to go ashore for lunch (just in time).
I didn’t go to eat because I definitely didn’t want to, I was lying kemaril in the shade. The wife also practically did not eat, because all the food offered is garbage.
There were about two hours left for the second swim, so I decided that we would not go to the southern wall - we would swim again with turtles and ales!

- It was necessary not to go out for lunch, but to go to the southern wall, because they say there is the most beauty. (this remark applies more to us)

-We need to recruit six like-minded people and move to the bay by taxi.
-Fuck the food!
-The format of the trip arrived, dived, left ...I don’t see the point in hanging out on the beach.
- It makes sense to go to Abu Dabab if only the hotel is not far away (maximum 50 kilometers)
-How to try to guess with the weather; )

Well, I’ll probably say now that it’s better to go diving here ...

PS. I confess - a little sorry for the money. . .
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