Летим 3 октября.Подскажите,у кого брать морские экскурсии по бухтам,чтобы не очень дорого.Летим в Марс только ради красивого моря и его обитателей,а на пляже отеля хронически красный флаг
We are flying on October 3. Tell me who to take sea excursions around the bays so that it is not very expensive. We fly to Mars only for the sake of the beautiful sea and its inhabitants, and there is a chronically red flag on the hotel beach
We are flying on October 3. Tell me who to take sea excursions around the bays so that it is not very expensive. We fly to Mars only for the sake of the beautiful sea and its inhabitants, and there is a chronically red flag on the hotel beach
8 subscribers •
2018-09-117 years ago