Question about hotel Stella Beach Resort & Spa Makadi Bay 5*

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With a child of 6 years!
We are considering Stella at the end of October 2010.
How is the wind and water and air temperature at this time?
Who can say for sure whether there is a sandy entrance to the water in Stella so that the child himself can enter with his feet? Or is it just a pontoon?
What besides Stella can be considered from what is better and newer in Makadi? Interested in 5*****.
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7 subscribers  • asked 2010-08-1115 years ago
Answers  •  45
аватар lvenok
Tia Heigts, Sunrise Royal Makadi - the hotels are very good located next to each other, there will already be a breeze for the child for the evening it is worth taking a long-sleeve sweater, the water was 25-27 that year at that time, it was not in Stella, but since this is Makadi, then there should be a normal entrance
аватар Zoya29
You can enter from the sea. There are no corals. But, honestly speaking, I would not recommend Stella. I really didn't like it there. Check out Desert Rose. Believe me, it's cheaper and no worse there, and even better with a small child.
аватар lvenok
I would not advise you to take a desert rose with a child! at the expense of food there is not very good, there is practically no choice
аватар Zoya29
Duck in Stela Makkadi the food was even worse. I was in two hotels with a difference of 1 year.
аватар Zoya29
Both hotels are far from 5 *, but if you already choose between them, Desert Rose is better of two evils in terms of price and quality.
аватар Ezhachok
desert rose is this ?
I understand that this is not makadi ...
аватар lvenok
you are absolutely right, there are not many hotels in Makadi but they are all high class! in addition to those that I have already written, consider the Madinat Makadi hotel complex: Оasis Makadi, Club Makadi and others. There are 6 of them
аватар Zoya29
Desert Rose is not in Makadi. And this hotel is known to many as not very good and not very expensive. Not everyone knows Stella Makadi and it is more expensive. And I wrote for comparison. Stella is better than Desert Rose only because it is newer. And everything else is on the same level as Desert. And for a child, Desert is better, because there is a lagoon all in the sand. And in Stella there is an entrance from the sea, but there are ebb tides. And looking at it is not the most pleasant sight. The child will not be able to swim during low tide.
аватар Zoya29
In no case do I advertise Desert, but on the contrary, I recommend not to go to any of them. And in Makadi, from what I managed to see (when we were transporting tourists to hotels), I didn’t like anything. And I don't understand why this area is so valued.
аватар lvenok
because the service there is at a good level, all the hotels are new, the entrance to the sea is sandy and without corrals and is located at a distance from the city, for a calm and relaxed holiday
аватар Zoya29
Have you been there? And in what hotel?
аватар lvenok
I was in Sunrise Royal Makadi, my acquaintances are in Tia Heigts, others are in the Madinat Makadi complex, they look advantageous against the background of other hotels in Hurghada, it was just in October, the sunrise area is a little bare, but this concept of this hotel chain, tia will be greener, but there you can freely walk around the territory of other hotels, there is a path along the coastline
аватар Zoya29
So there are good hotels in Makadi, but this is definitely not Stella Makadi. So, dear Ezhachok, you already have an idea about Makadi hotels. Have a nice holiday and we look forward to your feedback!
аватар Ambroziya
Dear. The problem of choice is complex. And tastes are different.
I've been to Dessert Roses and Stella. These are simply hotels of a different class (Stella is higher). Infrastructure, well-trained inconspicuous staff, cuisine - these are indicators of class. In Makadi, the Grand Palace is also interesting.
As for entering the water from the shore - unfortunately we did not do this, because. holiday without a child. But, the number of children in Stella amazed me. And, by the way, the lack of compatriots.
Have a good rest.
аватар Ezhachok
I had a rest in 2002 in makadi club and I really liked it. and without any particular cons, although I'm quite picky. so I know the Makadi area not bad. True, in 2000, Makadi did not have even half of the hotels that are now there. for example, in place of the "stele" and further to safaga there was a wasteland.
I wanted to go there this year, in the "makadi club", but my wife asks for something else, not familiar and that it would be interesting for the child, since there is nothing in the makadi club for children, except for one elderly German animator with the only song "ain, tswei, drive..."
according to thia (formerly the meridian), very negative reviews went on all sites. Of course, you need to filter the negative, but when there is so much of it, you need to think ...
I’ll still think about the stella, but it seems that she’s also on this site in the forefront in the Makadi region and on other sites, too, there is much less negativity about her than for the rest ...
and what, besides the makadi region in egypt, can be considered for a holiday with a child?
what is important is the clean sea with a sandy entrance without slippers, the first line is desirable. maybe taba?
аватар Ezhachok
Do the 2 a la carte restaurants require pre-registration? how much does a good hearty dinner without alcohol cost there? Or is the cuisine about the same as in the main restaurant?
аватар Zoya29
I was in Stella in April 2010 with a 9 year old child. I was really hungry. The abundance of dishes with carrots just amazed me. There were queues for meat, and there was practically no meat there. Crayfish - half on a plate, doves - half on a plate. The grill was once a week. Nothing sweet. In a restaurant, expect a minimum of $30 per person. But no kitchen.
аватар Zoya29
and out of 8 days - 4 days there was a low tide. The view is terrible and you can't swim from the shore. The only rooms there are really good. Everything is new and spacious.
аватар Ambroziya
I would advise El Gouna to consider with a child. There ALL the coastline is sandy. Taba is still very far from the airport. True, and the prices are steeper there. But there is an opportunity to hang out with millionaires :)
аватар lvenok
Ezhachok, if you are asking about Sunrise, then there are 3 restaurants, pre-registration in the morning until 12, the best Mediterranean crab soup there and in general there are a lot of delicious things, Asian is not for everyone, but unfortunately I didn’t get to Italian, but who went they said the pizza there is delicious
аватар Ambroziya
By the way, I had a rest in Stella in the same April. The kitchen was just fine. What carrot? Watermelon, guava...
аватар Zoya29
Watermelon 1 time in three days. Guava - sorry, not our fruit. But I guess I'm used to a different cuisine.
аватар Ambroziya
Yes, taste preferences are a delicate thing :). I was also in Makadi in 2007 at the Meridian Hotel, now it is divided into two hotels. Grand Makadi and Makadi Palace are considered the best hotels in Makadi.
аватар lvenok
sorry of course but Meridian is now Tia Heigts
аватар Ambroziya
Thanks, what's the name of the other one?
But I did not say that Makadi Palace is the former Meridian :), I said that this is one of the best hotels in Makadi. We went there for a walk. The area is impressive.
аватар lvenok
what is the second one?
аватар Ambroziya
At Stella, the manager told me that Meridian had changed hands and was split into two resorts. One is Tia, as you kindly suggested.
аватар lvenok
I haven’t heard anything about this, to the left of Tia is Sunrise, and to the right begins the Madinat Makadi complex
аватар kym2010
Ladies and gentlemen!
If you go to Makadi with a child, it is better to go to Makadi Beach or Makadi Saraya (there is even a special kids club with nightly activities). Makadi Beach on the first line and more expensive. Makadi Saraya is on the second line (it doesn't bother you to walk through the green spaces 10 minutes to your own excellent beach).
The beaches, however, in Makadi (everywhere) are sandy, but with pebbles - you need to carefully enter the water.
I got the impression that almost all the previous speakers had never been to Makadi, or were in the backyards (where the tide is constant). The area is great for families with children (and without children too).
аватар lvenok
in general, each hotel has a miniclub and a children's disco, and if you look closely at the map of Makadi, you can see the hotels that are mentioned here
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