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Question about hotel Siva Golden Bay Makadi 4*

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How is this hotel?
Reviews of those who were there 1.5 years ago and earlier were negative, and those who were recently positive.
Has the hotel changed or what?
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3 subscribers  • asked 2009-08-2616 years ago
Answers  •  3
аватар konyks
The hotel just opened in 2007, at first there were a lot of flaws, little landscaping, but the sea is beautiful there, the food is good, almost all rooms have a sea view. Read my review
аватар orhideya21
Pretty nice hotel. Go on vacation and bring us a fresh review!
аватар Elenka31
I was in Makadi last year and met a couple from this hotel. So, the only thing that is SUPER there is a lagoon with corals. There is nowhere else in Hurghada!!!
Service, food, cleaning are disgusting. However, their stay was rated at "4", because they did not pay attention to shortcomings.
In general, if you are not going for comfort, but for the BEAUTIFUL sea in this hotel, then you are in the right place.
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