В отеле заявлено два типа питания - UAL и AL. Чем они отличаются ИМЕННО В ЭТОМ ОТЕЛЕ? На сайтах на состав 2+1 предлагается "СТАНДАРТ ЭКОНОМ", а в описании таких номеров нет. Помогите разобраться
The hotel declared two types of food - UAL and AL. How are they different EXACTLY IN THIS HOTEL? On the sites for the composition of 2 + 1, "ECONOMY STANDARD" is offered, but there are no such numbers in the description. Help me to understand
The hotel declared two types of food - UAL and AL. How are they different EXACTLY IN THIS HOTEL? On the sites for the composition of 2 + 1, "ECONOMY STANDARD" is offered, but there are no such numbers in the description. Help me to understand
6 subscribers •
2021-09-174 years ago