Мы летим египетскими авиалиниями. Багаж 2х23. Нас пять человек и два чемодана 25 и 27 кг. Надо ли нам перекладывать вещи из чемоданов по сумкам, чтобы выровнять вес до 23 кг?
We are flying with Egyptian Airways. Baggage 2x23. We are five people and two suitcases 25 and 27 kg. Do we need to shift things from suitcases to bags in order to equalize the weight to 23 kg?
We are flying with Egyptian Airways. Baggage 2x23. We are five people and two suitcases 25 and 27 kg. Do we need to shift things from suitcases to bags in order to equalize the weight to 23 kg?
8 subscribers •
2017-10-087 years ago