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is it dangerous to travel to egypt due to the spread of swine flu
I read in the media that in Egypt 900 people were infected with swine flu. Is there a danger for tourists to get infected?!
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8 subscribers  • asked 2009-10-2815 years ago
Answers  •  13
аватар Amir1
this has been discussed many times already. Read here
and here
аватар konyks
This topic was recently discussed here look. We came to the conclusion that you can drown in a teaspoon at home. The wolf is afraid not to go into the forest. Raise your immunity, lead a healthy lifestyle and swine flu will pass by. And in Egypt the situation is normal, no worse than ours. Follow the rules of hygiene, do not kiss passionately with Arabs and everything will be fine. :-).
And most importantly, do not watch TV, where all this nonsense is stuffed into our brains.
аватар Amir1
konyks more than agrees with your last phrase and I consider it key in answering this question.
аватар konyks
Amir1 Thank you, I not only advise, but I haven't watched TV for 6 years and I live so well.
аватар Janny25
konyks, respect!!!
Regarding this "swine" flu, the impression is that the pharmaceutical companies just want to make money on us (everyone is looking for miracle vaccines and miracle flu pills with fear).
But they also die from complications from the common flu, but they don’t make a panic out of this!
And you can pick it up with us. I agree with those who spoke above.
It seems that the news showed that we are already suffering from this.
You can start to be afraid :)))))))))))))))) And do not leave the house ...
Only in this way can the roof go!
аватар masyanya2140
And who in Egypt got infected, the Arabs? Once you drive around Egypt, you will see what kind of barracks the locals live in, without sewerage, without water, without a roof over their heads in the literal sense of the word, you will understand that there are a lot of infections even without swine flu! Do not fill your head with stupid thoughts, go, relax and enjoy this poor and dirty, but at the same time beautiful country!
аватар konyks
Janny25 you are right, there is even a movie on the net about vaccinations, it's all a bluff, the vaccinated get sick more often than the unvaccinated, but leading a healthy lifestyle and not taking nonsense into their heads people. But the money in every country rises fabulously on vaccinations, which is why they are promoted. Despite a bunch of complications and even deaths in children. That's who they should be afraid of, the Ministry of Health and the media.
The film is called The Truth About Vaccinations, look it up on a search engine.
аватар Zlata28
listen less and believe in such "passions"
аватар shapoval1968
stop asking about swine flu, ask about bird flu, fish flu, flea flu, cockroaches, etc. According to statistics, more people die in traffic accidents and from vodka poisoning, so feel free to go and relax with pleasure.
аватар Zlata28
I fully support you!
аватар konyks
Goodbye swine flu, and topics about it. May health come with vacationers.
Be healthy!!!
аватар orhideya21
It seems that now it is more dangerous here in Kyiv than in Egypt. It's just harder to go to the hospital. Definitely will not save from pulmonary edema.
аватар Janny25
The most adequate information about the sensational flu!
Read and do not succumb to artificially induced panic!
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