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One of my oldest friends has a sixteen-year-old daughter, with whom she was vacationing in Hurghada this summer. And this is what she said. One spa manager really liked her daughter, although he is about 12-13 years older. This girl is very beautiful , as the Arabs themselves say, she looks like their fellow countrywoman, an Egyptian, a tall, real model, looks like 18. They talked sweetly, nothing like that, he kept saying, what a pity that she is so small .. He is under 30, she is 16! Can you explain this??? The girl is very sympathetic to him
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13 subscribers  • asked 2009-08-2916 years ago
Answers  •  24
аватар smirprivat
see if your spa manager is on this list and decide for yourself!!! they don't care how old the girls are!!!
аватар ira_podoroji
Olya 777, you already got everyone here, either with your Omar, or with a 16 year old girl!!! Calm down already, otherwise it's already disgusting to read (((
аватар Olya_777
Apparently it makes a difference if that manager was soooo sorry about it!!
аватар Olya_777
A friend is shocked, she says the girl will not be lucky there anymore
аватар Il2005
You would write scripts for serials, a couple of million old women would shed a tear, but here it’s really not house 2. Stop doing ticket work.
Children must be brought up from childhood and preferably by their own example, and then they are still surprised at who they are. They themselves are better at the pyramids, they admired the fish, and not the Arabs, maybe the children splashed in the sea, and not climbed around the SPA to be nice to the Arabs.
аватар Il2005
You would write scripts for serials, a couple of million old women would shed a tear, but here it’s really not house 2. Stop doing ticket work.
Children must be brought up from childhood and preferably by their own example, and then they are still surprised at who they are. They themselves are better at the pyramids, they admired the fish, and not the Arabs, maybe the children splashed in the sea, and not climbed around the SPA to be nice to the Arabs.
аватар Amir1
When my brother and I went, one Egyptian poured in to my nephew. Live flowers (in Egypt!!!), gifts (but not expensive), poems, letters, promises, farewells. At the end, he even cried, not embarrassed by us. But we knew that all this was nonsense of a pockmarked mare and the nephew knew. And all without problems. A week later, my colleague was resting in the same hotel, showed him a photo, and said hello from his nephew. So he said that he didn’t know anyone like him and had never seen anyone like him. already approached another. Like this. And I just feel sorry for the naive fools.
аватар konyks
A girl in the village for potatoes, all the nonsense from the head will immediately disappear. You know how a fly differs from a bee, both of them fly to the flower, but the fly sees a bunch of feces along the way and decides that it is necessary to figure out who piled it up. Let's talk the same about the beautiful Red Sea, about the wonderful desert about the ancient civilization, and not about women's gossip.
аватар Olya_777
Dirty idiots! Fucking advisers! What are you even doing on this site? They don’t know how to listen, they think only what they want, they judge by themselves, they don’t see anything further than their long pimply noses
аватар Pachok
You see, Olenka, this site is for tourists and tourism workers. And for anxious nymphets who want to discuss their Arabs, there are many other sites. There and stray into harems, some to Omar, some to Mahmud
аватар Karmel
People on this site just listen and suggest. But if you want to discuss the intimate details of your life and your nephew's life with the Arabs - fuck off on the appropriate forums !! You were given a link to one of them in the first post.
аватар orhideya21
I agree with Amir1, this is a resort ... specifics ..
аватар Olya_777
I think it's the "tourists and tourism workers" here, except for a few people who are "concerned" as you said. And as far as I know, no one here wants to discuss your Arabs. Everyone here thinks that you can look for an Arab because ".. we are in love with each other, and we cannot live without each other, and as soon as I find him, I will fly away to him, and we will be happy, as in the eastern fairy tale ..! etc., etc. " And it surprises me, it never occurred to ANYBODY that there are other reasons, rare, but they exist !!! Don't judge people BY YOURSELF! Do not live only public opinion!!!! We have heard enough stories, and let's paint them all five hundred times! And you just have harems and "concerned nymphets" a little like that! It's disgusting, gentlemen!
аватар Pachok
Ah-ah-ah-ah! So you want to discuss Kafka with him? Or features of the Phoenician cuneiform? That's how I would write!
аватар Olya_777
No, it's not. It so happened that my husband and I became very friends with him, he gave us amazing free massages every day. And suddenly he had to go to another point, he did not have time to give his husband the address. We owe him a small debt.
аватар orhideya21
Here. The points are placed. Let's talk about the sea now.
аватар elenako
If he gave you a couple of massages, forget about your small debt.
And if you take out your problems for discussion in the forum and ask for help, then have the courage to accept this help, even if you don’t like the judgments of others. As for the 16-year-old girl, everything is on one side at this age, and deceive her He flirted with her once. And she already invented air locks for herself. And if you are advised not to take these loving Khabibs to heart, then what bad advice did you have? this friendship took place, many will be surprised.
аватар Chief_87
Let's not get offended and run over each other))
If the girls really want it, he will marry her to 100 camels and she will be his 3rd or 4th wife, and everyone will be happy))
My opinion, do not be offended, but it's hard to believe in friendship))
But if it is, then write to me, then I will reconsider my opinion about the Arabs))
аватар Vassilina
Olga! I didn't understand your question at all? What exactly needs to be explained?
аватар Olya_777
There are a lot of questions above, let's, who are able, answer them. There is only one question, if you don’t know the answer, then shut up!! I declare the topic closed!
аватар olena-rv-ua
Ol, don’t be offended, you really asked: He is under 30, she is 16. Can you explain this ??? There are no other sentences with a question mark in your post. So the people were confused))) After all, it’s really not clear what you want to hear ...
аватар Myhomor
Well, you yourself were in Hurghada and, probably, experienced the stickiness of the Arabs. And the girl's age is such that she hung her ears and fell in love. Now he will go to study and fall in love with someone again. It is necessary to explain to the girl that the uncle was insincere and there can be no seriousness with him. Although, how many older fools fall into the net of sweet-voiced Arabs, and then cry. Maybe she can show by other people's examples how love ends in Egypt.
аватар III1111
and what is there to explain? how can a 30-year-old man molest a youngster ??? so such questions should not be discussed on tourist forums.
аватар Chief_87
Where were the parents looking?
I think this is not normal
My opinion))
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