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How is the situation in Hurghada? The news is frightening (We are flying in September.
We are going to Hurghada in September. News but TV is just scary. How is it really? Have the excursions been canceled and really everyone is sitting in hotels, as they tell us?
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9 subscribers  • asked 2012-08-1013 years ago
Answers  •  29
аватар sandra-art
our Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged tourists to refrain from trips on excursions and to the city and it is advisable to stay on the territory of the hotel.
September is almost a month away. there every day the situation can change
аватар dimdimysh
Have you read the reviews of people who are returning from Egypt? What do they write? All this has already passed, but everyone is alive and well.
What are you doing now, run to take a ticket, with a fine of almost 100%? No, you will go, because
аватар AlexL
yes, in September the full tin will begin
tourists at the airport will be given vending machines
аватар sandra-art
and it will be possible to take the machine home ??? I miss him here...
I meant that in September it might already be quiet and peaceful, and not that hostilities would begin
аватар AlexL
no, it will be necessary to hand over at departure, otherwise the following tourists will be left without weapons
аватар Viltis
sandra-art))))) AK would also be useful to me, and I definitely won’t refuse RPGs :-)
Topikaster, if you have such a question, it is better not to fly. You will not feel comfortable on vacation. And if you have already paid for the ticket, then try to get the most out of your vacation. In September, anyway, do not go on excursions - the gift kills. So you sit on the shore, swim and cruise from the bar to the pool, to the sea and back to the bar.
Happy to rest.
аватар PolikSVT
Tanuffa_cat, the pyramids will stand for centuries. Why break something? Sea, sun, hotel... Or skip the tour. You can't live on someone else's mind. There is one.
аватар Viltis
PolikSVT, what's funny is not a fact :-)
I’m not calling on anyone to drag themselves to Giza in the heat, I myself was there in early September and I don’t wish it on my enemy, but there is such information that the Islamists have submitted a proposal to parliament to demolish the pyramids. Not only are they pagan, but they also attract unwanted flows of tourists who bring alien culture and religion into the country.
аватар PolikSVT
Viltis, if this is true, this is a complete pipets !!! Insane to power! For now, it's probably better to stay at home!
аватар Viltis
Why are they insane? Just Islamists. You don't have to go far: are there many monuments to Lenin left in our countries? And in turn, many Bolsheviks left churches?
They are radicals in Africa too.
What about the truth
аватар PolikSVT
Monuments to Lenin do not bring income to the budget of the Russian Federation, unlike the pyramids! :)) You also need to think about the country! Thanks for the link, I'll check it out now!
аватар Viltis
Islamists do not think about the country. Why do Islamists think NOT about faith?
Applies to all Islamic countries, recently including Turkey.
So okay, "Ostap suffered" :-) I'm sorry, I don't continue the topic, I went to fry cutlets ... from pork :-))
аватар PolikSVT
Delicious, probably :))))) Bon appetit!
аватар sandra-art
Land is very important in Islam. in the Koran it is written - for the land to kill (not verbatim)
аватар Viltis
This is what I believe. And it doesn't matter WHOSE land it was before the Islamists came there.
The Salafis (and not the Islamists who are in power) are talking about the demolition of the pyramids. They say, but do not propose this proposal in Parliament. Don't mislead people. In this parliament (as in all other parliaments around the world) more pressing problems are being solved than wasting time discussing the ideas of one madman. Let one moron wish to demolish the Pyramids, so who will allow him to do it?!
Everyone, everyone, everyone! Articles and reports in the media and mass media from the authors of Mr. POPOV AND PASHKOV can be immediately divided by 100 from the presented information. Yes, another journalist, Ms. TANKOVA, also rules. After each article or report, you always want to ask ".... gentlemen, how much is your conscience?...."
I mean it. That you should not believe 100% of the information presented to us by the media. Everything is calm in the resorts now, and even during the revolution it was calm.
аватар Natali11131
I really want to believe you, TOURPINA! And because I like the country, and because I have tickets on hand. In 2011 we were on pins and needles - the tour was bought, but the Foreign Ministry did not let it in .... And then again, what is it , spoil the happy moments of waiting for the trip! A day later: either you rejoice, or you want to play it safe = change to Turkey.
Soon you will see for yourself everything with your own eyes, and I hope to unsubscribe on the forum :) Enjoy your holiday!
аватар Angela_k
Three weeks ago I returned from Hurghada. During the revolution, she rested in Sharm, traveled from Sharm to Israel. There is not even a hint of hostilities in the resorts...
аватар Natali11131
And let-let-let them have eternal peace there!!!!
аватар sweta.nt
And, in general, for Peace in the World! I really want to go to Egypt! I have been dreaming for a long time, last year I was in Turkey - I fell in love with this country. And now I want to see Egypt, I also worry about the situation.
аватар sweta.nt
Natali11131, we are waiting for your impressions and feedback! when you return - write!
аватар Tanuffa_cat
Damn, thanks for the jokes. If there is nothing to say on the topic, then it’s better not to write, because the question is serious and people go there asking this question. Of course, I understand that everyone does not care about each other, but there is an indifferent minority (unfortunately)!
аватар PolikSVT
Tanuffa_cat, but tell me, do you always listen to the advice of strangers? Or do you still live by your own mind? If everyone here unanimously tells you today: don’t drive, it’s dangerous!!! And tomorrow the same amount of advice: nonsense, forward to the pyramids! What will you do? Do you ask the same questions on another site? And there again 50/50! No one but you will make the right choice! And you are responsible for your own safety! Yesterday is yesterday! Tomorrow could be different! And the "not indifferent minority" - maybe it's the extreme people who defended the Cairo Museum with their breasts? Yes, they really are knee-deep in the sea! Or just in their descent, the Islamists were busy with elections in order to arrange terrorist attacks :))) And now they have already freed themselves for glorious deeds :))
аватар Viltis
Agree completely
аватар Tanuffa_cat
PolikSVT, you did not understand the question. I wanted to know how it really is, from those who recently returned, whether everything is as the media describes, so that I would be ready. The money is still paid. But, I would like to know the real situation from tourists, and not general opinions: go / don't go.
аватар Natali11131
I agree with Tanuffa_cat. But, most likely, vacationers at the hotel now have no time for answers, which is a pity ...
аватар PolikSVT
Tanuffa_cat, I'm trying to explain to you that the situation can change in minutes! It is calm now, it was calm in the resorts even then, when suddenly in the middle of the street English tourists were taken hostage. Who can guarantee that this will not happen to you at the airport, when "everything will be calm at the resorts"? I'm not escalating the situation, I'm just urging you to take responsibility for your own life. In order not to complain later, if anything: "I listened in vain, but they assured me ..."
аватар Natali11131
Hello! We returned on September 5th. Everything went well in Sharm, in vain I was worried on the eve of departure. In the hotel, everything is generally quiet and smooth, not a hint of politics. people (eyes burned more).
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