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Who is FOR certification of managers of travel agencies?
Today I was personally convinced of the unprofessionalism of managers! They don’t know hotels, they get confused in resorts, and at the same time, they didn’t even hear about the culture of communication. I am now afraid for the tourists, what will happen next? It is necessary to check each travel agent for knowledge of geography, the basics of sales and manners of communication - only real pros will remain and there will be no problems. And then there are more agencies than grocery stores)
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9 subscribers  • asked 2012-05-2012 years ago
Answers  •  39
аватар PolikSVT
The situation is such that the salary of a travel agency manager does not attract smart, educated and energetic people there! The owner of the TA does not want to overpay, and often he and his family members "plow", but in the season this affects tourists.
аватар kbard
100% agree! But if we do nothing about it, then it will be dangerous to go on vacation!! If we gather our voices, we can achieve change. We need certification of personnel and licenses for the agencies themselves, then everything will fall into place. This is a very responsible business and ordinary people should not suffer for their money!!! Only professionals and only licensed agencies!
аватар PolikSVT
I completely trust my TA, but I took my vacation into my own hands a long time ago! It's impossible for them to know everything! And the flow of tourists can not be put anywhere! I think that we, as tourists, should be responsible to some extent ourselves! The possibilities of the Internet now allow it! All my hotel choices were made based on a bunch of reviews I sifted, and always 100% hit!
аватар Li-m3012
Poliksvt, I agree. It’s good when there is a friend in a travel agency and time to read reviews. But what about those who don’t have this? You practically take a pig in a poke for good money. After all, everyone should be competent in their field.
аватар PolikSVT
So I’m talking about that, that you rely on a friend, but don’t make a mistake yourself! Now everyone has the Internet, but the desire to provide yourself, your loved one, a good rest, like TA should! By virtue of my hobby, I help many acquaintances to choose a hotel, and TA they go with the chosen hotel. You also get a discount for self-selection of the tour! I don't trust ANYONE with my vacation! I can only take advice and recommendations from TA for better deals!
аватар kbard
I, too, phoned, and ran into agencies, both large and small, all the same! I was convinced of one thing, rest, largely depends on the manager of the agency who organizes all this for you. So I ran from agency to agency for 3 years. And somehow I accidentally found a small agency that amazed me from the first day. I no longer hoped for a miracle, but, a miracle! We quickly found a common language. Now, we are very good friends, and we understand each other perfectly. Good luck, and I wish you the same. The problems with the rest have been resolved, but I find 30 minutes to look at hotels on the Internet, read reviews. Then I call the agency and specify prices and dates, it’s easier for me and without surprises. And to completely entrust your rest to strangers, who do not know where the south and where the north is, is very risky. We leafed through the catalog of hotels and that's it - they are masters of their craft. Of course, it's a pity for people who suffer because of such "masters" and as it turned out, there are more and more victims! Well, we hope that the aptitude test will pass and the license for travel agencies will be returned back. I want to work with professionals!
аватар alex45
to kbarb! I can’t understand, then you don’t have time to prepare your vacation with the Internet, then you write that you spent a lot of time calling and running errands on TA. If TA managers are illiterate, then they themselves dig a hole for their TA, because there are fewer and fewer tourists who can be "punched" and no one will "entrust their vacation" to incompetent "masters of their craft." And it's normal that there are a lot of them, competition will make the strongest survive. And another committee or commission for certification and licenses is a path for bribes and even greater corruption. If you would write here about such TAs with addresses and surnames that you don’t need to contact, there would be more benefit.
аватар dfad1ripe
Right now we will vote here - as many as ten or even fifteen clients - and all as one managers of travel agencies will get scared and run for certification. :)
аватар 44astra44
Everyone speaks correctly. And the fact that managers should know more about resorts and hotels, but don’t make a mistake yourself !!! :)))) I always consider their proposals first, and then I look for them myself !! If you're interested, you'll always find it! Plus reviews of tourists (Many thanks to the site) I always ask questions personally to the tourist !!! Our people are all very responsive and kind! In general, it's nice to communicate with a competent manager in the office !!!! :))
аватар alex45
In fact, people vote with their feet, they don’t go to the agency that they don’t like, but here there has long been a thread on the forum - the Black List of Travel Agencies. Write there about such offices, a lot of people read the site here. And to organize bureaucratic control over knowledge (certifications, licenses) is to release a pike into a river or a wolf into a flock. What you control is what you have, but there will be no improvement. It's my opinion.
аватар sigur62
Alex is right. TA and THAT, which proved to be bullshit, burn out and close. People go to proven agencies that have already organized holidays for them or their friends. True, there are always idiots who bring money to a deliberately suspicious and sloppy agency, seduced by the cheapness of the tourist product.
аватар kbard
Well, if you understand that they are hanging noodles on you, but what about the rest of the people? They turn to a travel agency, counting on the help of professionals, but in the end, it only gets worse! We ourselves must collect all the information about the country, read reviews, see what sights are nearby, but we want to have a good rest? But why don't agents do it? All this is wrong! Everyone has to do their job! And while everyone is sitting silently, gullible people will suffer from such rests. Of course, there are professionals in their field, but so few! And if you are not familiar with this, then you can only wish good luck!
аватар sigur62
So what? When buying a car, you can also come to the salon and tell the seller: "Here you are a professional, I rely on your experience and knowledge, pick up a better car for me." But no, a hundred times each CAM will personally read a lot of reviews, talk with friends and acquaintances before making a decision. Why should the tour be bought differently? It is a commodity like a car or a sack of potatoes. Something like that. Happy travels!
аватар alex45
Gullible people buy junk that falls apart in a month, buy products with a high content of nitrates, gullible people are shoed at every turn. Conclusion - do not be gullible! And they are becoming less and less. Slogans - "Everyone should do their job!" - the situation will not be corrected. And why "sit silently"? Tell travel sites that you can't do business with this company, there are scammers, or at best incompetent people, and administration has never helped. And so far from you only slogans. Let's write to them through the government "The moral code of builders. . Tourism". Will it help? No. If you know such firms, by the ear and into the light of them. How? Think. And I won’t believe that a gullible person comes to TA and says: “I want to rest, but at your discretion”. He knows something, he will consult with someone, but I think that we need to "collect all the information about the country, read reviews, see what sights are nearby, do we want to have a good rest?" Otherwise, wasted money for vacation, not a single TA will give you an answer for every sneeze. And by the way, the pros do not become immediately, but with the advent of experience, any person will say this.
аватар LyolyaS
I agree with alex45, everything comes with experience - both to TA managers and to tourists. having trusted the TA manager during my first trip abroad (by the way, recommended by several friends), I got such a bump that for more than 10 years I have been more responsible in organizing my vacation.
and the introduction of attestations is another feeding trough for a small group of people, and the way to rob TA - for example, attestation of accountants and auditors, or mandatory participation in SROs for a number of activities - did not affect the quality of services and the number of professionals and dishonest firms, but service prices - YES, because the cost now includes the amount of regular fees
аватар kbard
some travel agents write)) stand up for each other, well done!
аватар LyolyaS
you draw the wrong conclusions, kbard))
with the same success we can say that you work in the tourism committee and your initiative is aimed at the desire to tear off an additional piece of the pie))
аватар sent2008
Yesterday I received documents from a well-known TO and what was my surprise when the manager, a girl of 22-23 years old, tried to convince me that FB is breakfast + dinner. When making a tour, I was lucky with the manager - a very qualified and pleasant employee, but when issuing documents, everything is different. I am for certification of managers of tourist business with two hands!
аватар alex45
You, kbard, have only one question in your account, this one. If you were on this site a little more, you would know that I generally do without TA and do independent tourism. And I am not defending anyone, I just know that any administrative measures (certifications, licenses, or something else) do not lead to an improvement in business, but to another feeder for officials.
Therefore, while studying the materiel of tourism, do not rely on your uncle (or rather, an aunt or a girl), but more
gain knowledge on the Internet and think about the fact that apart from you yourself, no one organizes a good vacation, neither the tsar-father, nor the government, nor any officials. And I wonder how you imagine this certification, for what money can it be bought? how much will prices for tours rise due to licenses and certifications, because these costs will fall on you?
аватар alex45
And you also write - "I received documents from a well-known TO and what was my surprise when the manager, a girl of 22-23 years old, tried to convince me that FB is breakfast + dinner." So what well-known TO has such managers, are you embarrassed to say on the whole site or is it just blah blah about nothing. There are no specific facts, but I wrote that there is a "Black List of Travel Agencies" on the forum, and this would be much more effective than fantasies about certifications, etc.
аватар LyolyaS
yes, the question is, HOW do you imagine it?))))
Do you know how much is the salary of an ordinary, young, without a stable accumulated customer base, a TA manager? And how much s / n "PROF" i.e. "certified" accountant or auditor? the difference is 5-10 times)))) And how much does certification of a professional accountant or auditor cost? And how much is participation in the SRO? And WHO and FOR HOW MUCH should carry out certification? simple ARITHMETICAL calculations lead us to the fact that there are zero pluses in this))
аватар LyolyaS
yes (another plus alex45) and forums on tourist resources, in social networks, on city forums are hundreds of times more efficient and effective)
аватар PolikSVT
This morning I was once again convinced of what non-professionals can work in TO, I was surprised today by IEZ. Firstly, he gave me a ride with a new hotel, not having any information about its opening (the zone even to the central office, no one knows anything ... although the TEZ of Ukraine, Estonia, Belarus informed their tourists about the non-opening of the hotel, and thanks to Them, tourists, I also learned about this with the help of this site). And today, the transfer guide tried to arrange check-in at every hotel we visited early in the morning, and was very surprised that, it turns out, there are some international standards. TA did not notify their tourists about this, the result is scandals of mothers with children in each hotel upon arrival. The guide was very surprised that we were aware ... What else to expect from them then. if they don't know the ABC???
аватар alex45
Of course, there is nothing to expect from them. They will not quickly become such an attitude to business. Is it really not possible for mothers to spread this “glory” among their friends and acquaintances. And this is much more effective than certification, which you can just buy.
аватар Li-m3012
Poliksvt, don’t tell me which hotel you found out about. I remember we corresponded with you on another issue and it remains in my memory that you were going on vacation to Turkey on these dates (it seems with your granddaughter). And how is the hotel? Just Turkish hotels are of interest ( constantly )
аватар PolikSVT
Booked Hedef Beach Resort in Alanya on May 22, it still hasn't opened! I urgently made a rebooking, opted for my beloved Kemer, there was a good price for Amara Club Marine, I could not refuse! Of course, I had to pay extra, but this is AMARA! Now here, and every day I envy myself! Of course, the tree does not allow you to fully sunbathe, bathe, but we go to evening shows. What a fireworks display yesterday! New Year's holiday! And the Chinese circus is a complete delight! In general, everything that is good written about this hotel is true! Well-groomed territory is beyond praise! Meals - a song, 24 hours a day, full of juices, fruits: kiwi, strawberries, plums, apricots, bananas, grapefruits, plus everything else is normal. the playground is a whole mini-town of attractions! It's impossible to describe everything, it's time to go to the sea again! in the evening - Brazilian carnival!
аватар sent2008
alex45, I wrote about a certain girl from a very famous TO. The situation is as follows: on May 21, I arrived at the office of the Biblio Globus on Pokrovka to receive documents. A young man was in charge of issuing documents, it seems Pavel is his name. He printed my documents and turned to a nearby employee with a question about the food system, and so she (I don’t know her name, because I didn’t communicate with her) and enlightened him that FB is breakfast + dinner, I allowed myself with her disagree. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Irina Merkulova, an employee of the Biblio Globus, a very qualified specialist, a pleasant manager in communication. I will not add this MOT to the "black list", because otherwise satisfied with the work of the company, no complaints. We met, drove well, today we talked with a representative of the company at the hotel - everything is absolutely wonderful. I consider the case described by me to be a human factor.
аватар Li-m3012
Thank you poliksvt, I was afraid that after Amara Dolce Vita I would be disappointed with this Amara, apparently in vain. We should consider it for relaxation.
аватар alex45
The hotels of the Amara system are famous.
аватар Li-m3012
Last June, a friend simply did not speak flatteringly about Amara Club Marin (the pools are icy, there is nothing to feed the child with, and in general, after Dolce Vita, you won’t even think that this is also Amara).
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