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Related question «Documents and borders»
Can a citizen of Ukraine fly to Egypt from St. Petersburg (Russia)
Good afternoon. Can you please tell me if my husband (he is a citizen of Ukraine) can fly with me to Egypt from St. Petersburg, what documents are needed for this besides his passport??? or does he need to fly only from Ukraine?
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7 subscribers  • asked 2011-08-2713 years ago
Answers  •  23
No, he can fly with you from St. Petersburg to Egypt without any problems, just as we, citizens of Ukraine, fly from Sharm to the Russian Federation without any problems.
аватар alex45
But what difference does it make where he flies from, after all, he has a passport, that's all. Russians fly from Kyiv, he is from St. Petersburg!
аватар Amir1
any citizen of any country can fly from any country to any other if he has a passport and a plane ticket. There is no difference between a regular flight and a charter flight in this regard. A hotel in Egypt is also booked by any citizen from any country, except for the settlement rules specified by the hotel (some hotels do not accommodate, for example, two men in one room or one in a single. There are no more restrictions.
аватар HotLine
Someday it will be so, as Amir1 wrote. Years later 20.
In the meantime, this scheme only works for countries with a visa-free or simplified visa regime. Egypt is such a country for citizens of Ukraine and Russia. But not such a country for citizens of Israel, Kazakhstan, India, China, Turkey and many other countries.
аватар Amir1
I knew that my only answer in the section of countries other than Thailand would definitely be sarcastic
hotline. He doesn't even breathe for me :))))))))))))))))
Especially for you I inform you that in the last advertisement from Tez Tour we went to Israel. From there, right in front of me, a hotel reservation in Egypt was made to a resident of Israel, who, for some reason, was traveling back with us. And he was not an employee of tourism, but of some company connected with communications. The only thing we were worried about all the time was going through customs, tk. This is where problems can arise. But not with a hotel reservation. Our fears were justified and at the customs this Israeli was simply taken out of the brain, but they let him through. And he settled in the hotel with us and no one asked him any questions. Apparently, dear HotLine, 20 years have passed very quickly. Theory, of course, is a very good thing, but practice is facts.
аватар Amir1
By the way, any hotel in any country can be booked through hotel booking sites and no one there asks what country you are from. The main thing is that the money was on the card and free numbers. And when I book a hotel for a client, only his last name and first name are indicated there. Often, even a passport number is not needed.
аватар alex45
In my opinion, it was about a trip from St. Petersburg to Egypt, and not at all! The man was answered, and then some smart comrades go on thinking, Amir, can't you see!
аватар nadin65
A citizen of Ukraine can freely fly to Egypt from St. Petersburg. Everything else is demagogy. Passions and antipathies flare up again. But you can live together!
аватар alex45
That's all! The rest is demagogy! It's time for a person to understand when we will live together. He will tell you how best to do it through TA (as an expert), we will tell you how best to do it yourself. As a result, consensus and GREAT FRIENDSHIP
аватар HotLine
Brothers. Well, I can not be silent when the answer is incompetent. I didn't answer the question. The question has already been answered competently. I answered Amir's thesis - "any citizen of any country can fly from any country to any other if he has a passport and a plane ticket." It's frank... And then somebody gets hurt. Amir himself writes: "Our fears were justified and at the customs this Israeli was simply taken out of the brain, but they let him through."
But again three remarks
- not customs, but border guards (these are different services);
- they could not miss - they had every right, so he was lucky;
- I did not discuss hotel reservations here and the question was not on this topic.
My position:
- I am calm about Amir, Alex, Nadine.
- I never answer the first fresh questions.
- I am always glad if they answered competently, and I do not repeat answers already written.
- I have the right to answer and I try to do it when I see problems in the answers.
- I do not narrow my function to the "responder" (this is for Nadine)
- I will also answer for Thailand if I see the need for this.
аватар HotLine
Gentlemen, learn to accept someone else's opinion. Especially when you are wrong.
If you think you need to answer questions, answer them. Don't do what you accuse me of. Because the last three posts before mine are "demagogy. Passions and antipathies flare up again," "and not at all! The person was answered, and then some smart comrades reasoned."
Would you like to chat? Then, please, with arguments. How I do it - read my first post. With lists, clear names of services.
Or write whatever you like. But then don't box me in either.
Once papa74 ran into Amir in Thai branches. This did not prevent me from taking the position of Amir.
аватар alex45
Well, for many, customs and border guards are one and the same, and no matter how much I tried to explain, the same questions will arise, These are our interrogators! About Israel is a separate article, but no one will discuss it. that he is competent in all matters, and this cannot be. Therefore, I repeat, we are looking for consensus, but not as enemies, but looking for the truth !!!!
аватар nadin65
HotLine - yes, - I'm just an answerer. And I like to do it in FREE time - I RELAX with this, and never turn into aggression - then I retreat!
There were many raids - you just need to be wiser
аватар alex45
So, after all, gentlemen or brothers? From here we proceed. Or are we looking for the truth for people, or again, wall against wall?
аватар HotLine
to alex45. I don't understand if this is an irony or a direct question.
Therefore, I will answer. Everything is very simple. "Brothers" is an informal address. "gentlemen" is a formal address. No contradictions. The form of the appeal is determined by the further style of the text.
The truth on this issue has long been named - in the first post. I responded to:
"any citizen of any country can fly from any country to any other with a passport and a plane ticket." Read my first post. Everything is very correct. What are "wall against wall"? Now read your post.
to nadin65. Now you don't understand me. I didn't call you "responder". In previous dialogues, you urged me to answer on the topic and not deviate. This thread also continued this ("Everything else is demagogy"). I told you before
and now he answered - "I do not narrow my function to the" responder "
I do not limit or limit you in anything, because it would be stupid and incorrect.
And from my point of view, I never showed aggression. Find at least one aggressive word from me in this thread.
And they are here. But not mine.
Therefore, gentlemen - be objective and correct.
I try to be just that.
аватар alex45
This is not irony. Brothers, one answer. Gentlemen, another, and then the style of the answer. We decided everything on this issue a long time ago, and you understood everything perfectly. This does not apply to this answer, but in general. And the last thing I saw, gentlemen! And the brothers impress me more, well, I’m such a person. Think about what I am! And we will try!
аватар HotLine
I didn't understand what you mean. If this is not irony, but a question, then I answered it. "Brothers" - with informal address. "Gentlemen" - with the formal. That is why these words exist. I see no reason to narrow my vocabulary. On the contrary, I have always strived for correct, functional speech. Then you clearly formulate your thought and you are understood correctly.
аватар sigur62
Here we talked. I refer to Alex generally as "old man". I don't think he's offended. Is that right, old man?
And the Slavic brother HotLine writes and answers intelligently and with dignity, thank you.
аватар alex45
Well, of course, this is better than a pensioner, and most importantly, the old man is informal, and the pensioner, as in the social security. Here we talked and it became easier on my soul !!!!
аватар Seli2003
Thank you very much))) now I'm calm))))
аватар HotLine
to alex45. I called you a pensioner when you did not fall into the category of "brothers" and "gentlemen" for me.
It was when you wrote to me:
"You are the owner of the railway ticket offices, I take offense at the cashier!"
"I wouldn't be surprised that you used to be a law enforcement officer"
"I guessed rightly that
you worked in the authorities, and you have fun as a cashier in tourism"
"I can only answer that you are very competent, apparently from the competent authorities. And it has been noticed that you can hardly be a good travel agent."
It's all from the same thread. I can give a link.
The reason for your antipathy is understandable. You initially treat the representatives of the tourist industry negatively. There is even a fresh thread where we discussed the cruise company.
Therefore, I do not play "brothers" and "old man". I appeal as the context of the dialogue requires.
Gentlemen, the reason for the tension is not in me, but in the attitude of experienced tourists to representatives of the tourist industry. But I'm not a girl who just graduated from the tourism department of some commercial institute. I have a serious experience of personal trips and knowledge of the travel business from the inside. Proceed from this, then there will be no tension.
аватар alex45
I’m closing the topic about the “brothers” and writing in response. We are looking for a consensus, but with respect for the opinions of others, and the attitude towards many, I’m not talking about everyone, representatives of the tourist business among experienced tourists, apparently developed from communication with such representatives, from their knowledge. All thanks!
аватар HotLine
I’m closing the topic about the “brothers” and writing in response. We are looking for a consensus, but with respect for the opinions of others, and the attitude towards many, I’m not talking about all, tourists from experienced travel agents, apparently developed from communicating with such tourists, from their knowledge. All thanks!
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