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Who today returned from Egypt?! tell me what's going on? fly there or not!
We have tickets for the 6th, return them or not?!
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12 subscribers  • asked 2011-01-3014 years ago
Answers  •  40
аватар Viltis
If you have a hotel far from Hurghada, then go. I returned tonight. I was in the Citadel. 25 km from Hurghada. News learned only on TV, which my husband and I just turned off on Friday, so as not to scare ourselves. The hotel is quiet, sunny, no wind, sea +24. We did not go on excursions, but only because the hotel is very good and the weather. We were booked in Hurghada for Friday, we didn't go, and thank God :-) No one is particularly worried. Only one Belarusian alarmist wanted to return ahead of schedule. He generally locked himself in the room ... strange. The rest of the tourists rest quietly until the end. On the day of our departure, vacationers stopped by.
In general, she told me what she knew :-) Judge for yourself.
аватар hessen
Watch the news.
аватар hessen
Read the topic below
аватар lubitelj
I would have given up. In such an environment, rest will not bring pleasure. Moreover, the Russian Foreign Ministry does not seem to recommend a trip to Egypt, which will force TA to either return the money or offer an alternative option.
аватар Natashrchulechk
They're coming, cormorants-drunks.
Cut room-boys for a dozen dollars.
аватар Natashrchulechk
All TOs accept applications for a 100% refund of the tour, but no, our fools need to find some adventures on the road.
Although, no!
Go, maybe you'll get into the news.
аватар hessen
What angers me the most is that many tour.a. the site reassures tourists and wishes them a happy flight today, tomorrow ...
аватар AdelinaR
Yes, this topic is highly debatable. Of course, I understand that people were waiting for this vacation, maybe (like my family) they saved up for a whole year. And here's "Grandma and St. George's Day" for you. My husband and I have vacations this year according to the schedule scheduled for November-December!!! and then I'm already thinking what alternatives to Egypt can be (maybe India or Thailand). Still, God saves the safe! Make sure especially those with children. The Arabs are of course very good people, but painfully hot. I am the daughter of a Muslim myself. Although I have 50% of this blood, I myself am surprised how sometimes it boils strongly and "carries me around corners" :)
аватар AdelinaR
Sorry, the topic was described not "condemned", but discussed :))
аватар Viltis
Angelina, that's how funny our people are ... when, a couple of weeks ago, this topic was raised, everyone shouted in unison that the Arabs were phlegmatic and nothing was expected there. All my posts got downvoted. And now the other extreme - a terrible panic. Moreover, this panic is more organized by the media. We in Egypt did not feel any unrest, everything is quiet, but we turn on the TV, and there is just a wave of panic. Reporters don't broadcast, they scream!
I will say one thing: those who consider Arabs to be quiet phlegmatic are wrong (Anetka-gan, big hello), those who think that Arabs slaughter everyone indiscriminately are wrong. There is restlessness, but I did not see it with my own eyes. The wave does not reach tourists, it is quite possible that YET.
By the way, in Greece, Paris, Israel, Thailand (let me remind you who forgot last year's events) there are also demonstrations and riots with victims. You never know in which country the next wave of anxiety will break out. But you don't have to panic
and soberly assess the risks. What is our brain for?
аватар AdelinaR
Yes, I agree with you 100%. And once again I repeat that the Arabs are very good people, they are just hot when they disperse, and certainly not phlegmatic at all !!! And the risks must be assessed - and it’s better to wait out the excitement.
аватар Viltis
And I’ll tell you more: if a tourist has already had a question about whether to fly or not, then it’s better to refrain. Because this vacation will hardly be called calm. If the tourist is calm, and his hotel is not in the city, or in a quiet village, then it is quite possible to go. We just didn’t know anything at all until the TV was turned on :-). But once again, everything is very individual. And everyone is responsible for their own decision.
аватар t-index
Let me repeat what I said earlier:
We need to think hard and ask ourselves questions and try to answer:
1) Who will ensure your safety in Egypt? You will be a desirable and affordable prey for marauders, robbers and simply dishonest people. If you are a woman, you need to think even more...
2) How will you be fed in hotels? Almost all food, WATER!!! arrives in Sh-e-Sh from Cairo ... There will not be enough food for everyone, the cost of food, water will skyrocket.
3) The redistribution of property and business will also begin in the resort area. Terrorist attacks will resume - and they were, were in the resorts of Sharma .....
Look carefully - the Egyptian army is deserting !!! and this is in Egypt, where being a soldier, and especially an officer, is honorable and satisfying ........
So that,
The Egyptian (my favorite) holiday destination is closed for me personally this year...
аватар Viltis
I probably agree with you. It is not known how events will develop further. The fact that so far the resorts are quiet does not mean anything. My husband just dissuades everyone from flying, although everything was quiet with us. Might be worth staying. Although here in Tunisia, the tourists were unhappy that they were taken away and everything calmed down there slowly. But again, it is not a fact that it will be the same in Egypt.
аватар Anetka-gan
=))))) about how stuck!
аватар Anetka-gan
do not forget that there is a pogrom perpetrated mainly by the Bedouins and the poor. and in the resorts and the promised troops can not be seen!
аватар Viltis
Phlegmatic people cannot commit pogroms. How did it happen?
аватар Anetka-gan
Natashrchulechk Ukrainian MOTs do not return 100%, only a few go for it with regular tourists. and threaten with fines. in Russia, everyone was obliged to return, if desired, the entire amount of the trip.
phlegmatic people stay at home, Bedouins rob
аватар Viltis
Anna, before writing anything, I highly recommend you think a little. Or at least visit the country you are writing about.
I understand that with an IQ of 27 it is very difficult to think, but you try.
аватар Anetka-gan
trespass oh, and you are still trying to bite someone with hints about mental abilities. this is stupid and low. and don't be surprised why people downvote you.
"Or at least visit the country you are writing about" =)))) you made my day!
аватар Viltis
Yes, I spit on the cons. I believed you that there would be nothing in Egypt and went, and there ... and who are you after that?
аватар Anetka-gan
trespass is not Nastrodamus' granddaughter! sorry! and you forgot that I was not the only one who wrote to you))) you just are not indifferent to me. it is a fact!
аватар Viltis
You assured everyone that Egypt would be calm. And they said that they know the Arabs and they are not capable of rebellion. People flew. They believed you. And now you're giving up. Think before you write.
аватар Anetka-gan
what am I giving up on? from the fact that she did not predict a riot? what exactly did I make sure? if you forgot, then I will remind you:
I told you and I repeat, Arabs are phlegmatic. look at the situation with last year's storm, when everything was flooded and everything was in ruins. this did not encourage them to build diversion routes and strengthen buildings.
and doesn't it seem strange to you that a couple of months before the official elections, suddenly everyone stood up and began to ask for early elections? meaning?
аватар AdelinaR
And I agree that if there are doubts to fly or not to fly, then this is already a "moyachek" - I doubt it, which means that something worries me, then something is wrong. It's about the same as getting married, if there is even a drop of doubt, then don't. (I was 150% sure of my future husband, and I have been happily married for 13 years - but this is such a lyrical digression). This is the fourth time I’ve been for waiting and seeing what will happen in Egi, and you can always run into trouble, go out into the street in someone’s face, spit, you will get a retaliatory blow, but here at least the hospital is not far away :))
аватар Viltis
You only have enough mind and time to look for my articles and answers for three (!!) years and put minuses there. You have to be so vindictive and petty :-)
Now, if you sat down and thought, you would understand that "if the stars are lit, that someone needs it." And the number of victims and the scale of destruction depends only on the temperament and cultural level of the population where the "riots" will be held. Adding these "two" and "two" and get the approximate level of threat. And even approximate time. That is why in Ukraine the "revolution" took place without casualties, but in Egypt with them? Just think...
Although .. do not bother yourself, keep looking for my articles. I'll write another one, you will have more work :-) Do you really think that some minuses upset me there? I won't get a pay cut for this. But your perseverance makes me very happy :-)
аватар Anetka-gan
burn further =))))))) I already said, I like you!!!
By the way, I haven’t put a single minus yet, this function does not work in my browser. oops.
аватар Lena_Elena
trespass, it's ugly to behave like that. From the side, there is actually some kind of personal hostility. Firstly, a topic is being discussed here that has been repeating through one question over the past few days, and secondly, this is not your only forum with Anetka-gan that you attack a person that you believed that you would be calm and drove off. First of all, you need to rely on yourself and soberly evaluate everything yourself, but about IQ 27, what did you test? Here we all express our opinion, and the author draws conclusions.
аватар Lenok2009
(How will you be fed in hotels? Almost all food, WATER!!! comes to Sh-e-Sh from Cairo ..)
I also agree that the situation can be unpredictable. For example, as mentioned in the news, looters arrived in Hurghada by bus.
What can be done in such a situation? Ours are talking about creating a headquarters, and if a threat arises, they will evacuate tourists. But 20-30 thousand people cannot be evacuated in one day. To whom will you complain then?
My opinion is that it is better not to go, but the decision is yours.
аватар Viltis
Lenok, and you know, the Swedes even go to Giza to the pyramids, though they changed the route. It seems that the hysteria only touched us.
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