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on Wednesday, December 29, YANDEX-WEather promises RAIN in HURGHADA...
on Wednesday, December 29, YANDEX-WEATHER promises to RAIN in HURGHADA all day and all next night until the morning ... Please write down who will be there on Wednesday, December 29, whether to believe these "forecasters". Can YANDEX and gismeteo "guess" the weather forecast?
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7 subscribers  • asked 2010-12-2914 years ago
Answers  •  16
аватар LANGIS
maybe somewhere there is a link to a web camera in HURGHADA. We want to see this predicted rain live. By the way, on April 3 or 4 of this year in Sharm we really caught heavy rain at night ...
аватар nadin65
Believe! But I trust one weather site - rp5, for three days it always comes true.
At night there is heavy rain, during the day the sun and a strong wind in the afternoon, then the weather improves again, but it is gloomy.
аватар LANGIS
HURGHADA 29.12: Evening Overcast, heavy rain +17° 757 NW
аватар nadin65
Today 29.12.2010 at 19.22 a message from Sharm "the downpour is very reminiscent of the January state of emergency .... the room is gradually but surely filled with water ..."
аватар nadin65
Here they wrote directly from Sharm
I understand that you need Hurghada, but for now there is news from Sharm.
аватар papa74
аватар papa74
аватар papa74
аватар alexfabr19
I love weather websites!
So far I have not found any water temperature in the resorts. But everyone knows perfectly well that we go to the Red Sea not to sit in restaurants and not to walk in parks ...
аватар papa74
And I have enough statistics:
Although t of water is also available ..
аватар nadin65
Look bad for the weather, there is also the temperature of the water in the sea on svali.
аватар anastasy55
We flew away on the 29th, it really was raining!!!
аватар katyff
was in Hurghada 12/29/2010 it was raining (or rather rain)!!! Yandex can be trusted))))
аватар alexfabr19
Thanks everyone! Now I know where to look :)
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