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Lost luggage
I flew from St. Petersburg to Hurghada, and my luggage was gone, a week later I returned to St. Petersburg with no suitcases and I don’t know what to do. I can’t find an airline representative, but the office is in Moscow. Can someone tell me what to do and where to look for the lost suitcase
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12 subscribers  • asked 2010-12-2114 years ago
Answers  •  17
аватар dfad1ripe
In any case, this is done through an airline representative.
And they lose not only in Hurghada. A colleague flew on a two-week business trip to the United States - his luggage also disappeared, they were not found for three months. After that, the airline (Delta) reimbursed the damage in the amount of approximately half of the declared value of the items in the luggage.
Have you filed any missing baggage report at the destination airport?
аватар Pachok
Have you filed a missing baggage claim? Is the spine on the boarding station preserved? You need to contact the airline.
аватар jabetta
In any case, you need to start looking for lost luggage upon arrival (where the loss was discovered). Did you do something in this direction in Hurghada?
аватар vdtolozko
Apparently in Hurghada this is already a system - the loss of luggage upon arrival in Hurghada. We flew from Kyiv - 15 suitcases were missing. People did not wait for them and left for hotels. On the second day, the suitcases were taken to the hotels, having previously gutted them. They took away a camera, a camera, a block of cigarettes, a bottle of cognac from the guys I knew. I can only sympathize and wish you to return your luggage.
аватар Dreamer_0x01
My luggage was also lost in Hurghada, but on the way back, and was found a few days later in the middle of nowhere in another country.
If you immediately filled out an application for the loss and signed it at the airport - even if they don’t find it, you have the right to count on compensation, although it is scanty (in my case it was something like 7 bucks per kilogram of weight).
But you are obliged to search - strain the airline, let them call other countries at their own expense, and not you.
аватар PlyusheMonstr
as soon as the loss is discovered - write a statement that must be signed by representatives of the airline
save the luggage stub
if the baggage is not found, they will pay compensation in the amount of $10 per kg (maybe a little more, but I see that Dreamer_0x01 was paid less)
аватар HotLine
By the way, more than half of the cases are when passengers do not take their own luggage from the belt.
So always in such a situation, see if a bag similar to yours is spinning on the tape. In such a situation, airlines have someone to look for.
аватар hessen
We had a funny case this summer!
Arriving in Domodedovo, we did not find our suitcase on the belt. We turned to the employee in this room with a statement about the loss of the suitcase. We were asked to wait, there were 7-8 of us. Then they took us to some small room, there were different bags, suitcases, and we were all asked to carefully examine these things again. And suddenly, on one of the suitcases, I saw a tag with the name and address written in my hand. And then it dawned on me: after all, this year we bought new suitcases.
I just didn't recognize my suitcase on the tape!
аватар Dreamer_0x01
The fact of one's own fault certainly happens, but I saw it with my own eyes - a cart with luggage is driving, next to it is another, drivers are talking. Some of the suitcases fall from one of the carts - they stop, load some into one, some into another, and move on. I have no confidence that both carts will go on the same plane =)
In my case, the luggage was loaded instead of the plane to St. Petersburg on the plane to Moscow. In Moscow, for some reason, they overloaded it and sent it to Kyiv .. In Kyiv, the airline’s search service found my luggage, called back - after a couple of days, the luggage was brought to me directly to the apartment, and wildly apologized.
аватар dimmor23
Another misfortune went to the Russians, who returned from Egypt to Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. For more than a day, travelers who have been vacationing in Sharm el-Sheikh have not been able to get their luggage. And the problem is not only the loss of their favorite things: in the first place, tourists simply cannot leave the airport, since all the warm clothes were left in the hot resort.
The incident with the loss of luggage was confirmed by the press service of Aeroflot, which was flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to Moscow. Representatives of the airline said that the incident was the fault of the Egyptian airport service. The amount of luggage that was not delivered to Moscow was not specified in the press service of the air carrier. Meanwhile, tourists have been held hostage at Sheremetyevo since December 19.
аватар nadin65
Thank God, we have luggage in place, only on the first trip both handles on the suitcase were torn off (during departure!) We had to borrow a braid from the mattress on the beach in Egypt, and the bums returned home.
And the familiar luggage turned out to be some kind of diva in Italy instead of Sharma, and beach things flew on the third day, the vacation was morally spoiled.
аватар hessen
That's interesting, only in Egypt they treat luggage so carelessly?
This year we decided to change our battered suitcases for new ones. And the old ones, by the way, are nothing, everything is in place, everything is in order. So, on one of the suitcases, the wheel and the entire lower rack were broken, and on the other, the corner was somehow torn a little. Noah somehow thought that these were not quite high-quality suitcases, probably. At home, we subdued them, patched them up and flew with them to Russia, nothing, everything is fine, everything is in place.
I would have forgotten about it, but here on the site, more and more often I read about broken-off-torn-off bags-suitcases. So I thought: is this a problem only for Egypt? or...
аватар dfad1ripe
Not only.
Two years ago, in Antalya, they received a suitcase with a broken lock and a slant zipper. Moreover, much less time passed from landing to baggage claim than usual, so playful hands walked around the suitcase obviously back in Boryspil. They opened it in the presence of an airport employee dealing with luggage problems, made sure that nothing was missing and decided not to overshadow the honeymoon trip by documenting the situation. :)
аватар nadin65
We also had a suitcase torn apart when leaving home, in Kharkov, and in Boryspil they love to roam inside, they track it when viewed on a monitor, there were even articles on the Internet that 2 workers had already been kicked out of work for opening bags.
аватар Lenok2009
This year I flew to Brussels, sat on the plane next to the luggage compartment and watched the following picture through the window: the luggage travels along the conveyor, but the airport employees simply throw it on the cart. So I often change my suitcases because I love to travel. As for the loss, a few years ago, when returning from Denmark, our luggage also disappeared, after some time it was found. So it's not just in Egypt.
аватар jabetta
Yes, it happens not only in Egypt, this year in January, AirFrance flew from Switzerland, the luggage was brought home four days later, one of the bags was packed in a sealed bag, I was surprised why? When I opened it, I realized that the smell was such that one might think that there was a corpse. Then the picture cleared up, it turned out that it was in this bag that I packed the cheese I bought in Switzerland, it was a pity ... Barely then aired my ski boots.
All these stories are funny and interesting, but they don't answer the question that Urlapova_Elena asked, and she doesn't react, probably no longer relevant. Maybe the luggage was found?
аватар dimmor23
remember the film Meet the Parents directed by Jay Roach. Greg (Ben Stiller)
there he also lost his luggage ... then he found it, but not his own ...
funny - but only when in the cinema and not with you
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