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visa at hurghada airport
Tell me where at the Hurghada airport a visa is purchased for $ 15, and not for $ 17, how did the representative of the desk from Anex tour tell us? Entering the airport building, we immediately went to the desk of our tour operator. A young man of Arab origin shouted that for a visa, give $ 17 without surrender and issued a migration card in exchange for money. We traveled for the first time and didn’t know all the subtleties, although I heard how they cheated our brother right from the first steps on Egyptian soil. I got confused from their screams and laid out the requested amount. e.THANKS
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9 subscribers  • asked 2010-12-1714 years ago
Answers  •  41
аватар papa74
The migration card is issued by an employee of the Tour Operator at the counter.
A visa is bought for $ 15 at a bank branch. There are a lot of them, the price is the same everywhere. At the entrance to the building on the left.
аватар nadin65
Follow the bulk - where they go and you.
Usually my husband brings me migration cards, while I fill it out, he stands in line at the bank for a visa, we paste it into the passport ourselves.
They won’t leave without you, there’s no need to rush very much.
аватар Z-SON
And where and how to get a visa in Sharm? If possible - in more detail.
аватар nadin65
In Sharm, we flew to the airport on the escalator on the 2nd floor, two booths have a visa written on them, and you can exchange a few dollars for pounds there.
Then again you take your luggage to the 1st floor, at the exit there are all the guides-operators who meet you with signs, come up and say the name of the hotel - get on the bus under the number that the guide will tell you.
аватар nadin65
Do not be afraid, everyone follows each other, you have nowhere to get lost.
Be sure to keep your pens near your passport and other documents.
How to fill out a migration card, see my profile - click on the nickname nadin65
аватар papa74
2 windows, and then the third - there is never a queue;)))
There are escalators going up, but you don't have to go down...
аватар nadin65
I forgot to write
When you take the migration card, he asks you to fill it out.
And if he fills it out for you, he asks for $5 for this service.
Write everything yourself! especially since writing three words
аватар nadin65
You don’t need to go back on the escalator, but a little downhill to the luggage room
аватар vivan
If you are not going to Sharm, change some currency right away at the airport - the exchange rate is good, this will not happen at the hotel, and along the way it is better to pay in pounds in shops at gas stations, well, give baksheesh ...
аватар margusha7474
The migration card is issued by an employee of the Tour Operator at the counter.
A visa is bought for $ 15 at a bank branch. There are a lot of them, the price is the same everywhere. At the entrance to the building on the left.
AHA, so this tour operator asked me 17 dollars from me. While I didn’t give money, I didn’t receive a card. And the people also broke down immediately to these racks, and then cried that they overpaid 2 dollars. It feels like the whole plane was in Hurghada for the first time. A man in a glass booth pasted a visa into the passport - I didn’t see any banks there (((( since I’ll be more careful and I won’t rush anywhere - that’s right, they won’t leave without us anyway))))
аватар nadin65
So cook 15 without surrender and face with a brick, like I'm not the first time and I know everything !!!
аватар Toha75
Cried for 2 bucks? People, isn't this bullshit?
аватар papa74
Toha75, about $ 300 comes out from the plane for one Arab face. Rise in half an hour. They went nuts!
Every fifteen to twenty minutes another one work!
аватар nadin65
PATRIOT32 - not a good photo joke!!!
And there is a risk at home - you can unsuccessfully cross the road, or the bull terrier will bite, bite the snake, poison yourself with mushrooms, etc.
аватар stydent
margusha7474, you ask (Tell me where a visa for $ 15 is purchased at the Hurghada airport), and for what? You, I understand, have already rested (I was confused and posted the requested amount. Are you going to Hurghada again in a couple of weeks? Then it's clear, thank you.
аватар margusha7474
stydent, yes, I’m going to Hurghada again! Maybe in a week, or maybe in 6 months, who knows)))) I just raised this topic in vain: it won’t hurt me to give them extra 2 dollars. I don’t like queues, you know and hassle. And you have to pay for peace of mind)))))
аватар hessen
As soon as you enter the airport building, a little to the right, you will see 4 banks there:
1. Bank of Egypt
2. Bank of Cairo
3. Bank of Luxor
4. Thomas Cook
In these banks, a visa is bought and money can be exchanged.
So for everyone, as soon as we enter the building, representatives of the tour. stand with signs or shout out the name, we silently walked past our "guide" and to the bank for a visa, especially since our tour. the visa cost 18 euros.
The only thing is that we filled out migration cards on the plane. When we bought a visa, we already had them on hand. And only after we bought a visa, we approached our "guide". He, of course, asked with displeasure why they did not buy from him, we replied that this is our right, where we want, we buy there. This is where it all ended. But I was ready for this, I read the German forum, and the Germans write in great detail about everything: where to go, where to buy, what they ask, what to answer, etc. So you already have information for the future.
аватар margusha7474
hessen, thank you! It's very nice to talk with you))))) You give a lot of practical advice and don't do jokes. And after I got a visa from a bank, who will give me a migration card?
аватар nadin65
The migration card is taken from any employee of the Tour Operator at the counter, some took a couple of empty cards, they will suddenly spoil it.
аватар nadin65
When we filled out each of our cards, my husband quickly wrote any English letters and numbers, and didn’t wrap it up, didn’t even look at the card, Now I fill out both myself, because he’s too lazy and English u003d 0
аватар papa74
hessen replied to
"As soon as you enter the airport building, a little to the right, you will see 4 banks there"
When was the last time you were there?
On the right is the TO rack, and on the LEFT the banks (1st post) are the situation for October 2010.
But only...
"It's very nice to talk with you))))) You give a lot of good advice and don't do jokes."
аватар margusha7474
papa74 - well, you are generally a specialist in Egypt))))))) You can come to you with any question and you explain so correctly .....
аватар papa74
margusha7474, and who "taunts" you?
аватар hessen
The last time I was at Hurghada airport was the end of June - the beginning of July 2010. Yes, all representatives of tour.about. they also stand on the right, I didn’t see the racks, maybe because I didn’t look for them. We passed by everyone, as I wrote, first straight, then a little to the right, in front of the control, there are banks. Yes, it is impossible to pass by them without noticing. Is there another entrance to the airport?
Or maybe something has changed during this time, but this is not so important, there is not such a large room so as not to see where the banks are.
аватар papa74
So the question was asked by a person who did NOT see bank branches and asks ... and without "jokes", how to tell?
аватар nadin65
I can’t say for Hurghada with accuracy, but I noticed in Sharm that Tour Operators are not always in the same place, maybe it depends on the number of arriving planes and maybe even the time of arrival.
Once we had an arrival at 3.00 at night, then the operators were generally standing in the middle of the hall, and we somehow managed it very quickly, perhaps it seemed so because of the flight at 5 hours instead of 3.5. For some reason, we circled over Greece for a long time, we were not given a corridor (flight path) to Egypt, the stewardess said so.
аватар hessen
"... Upon entering the airport building, we immediately went to the counter of our tour operator..."
And why did you immediately go to the tour desk, and not to the bank? So there was no necessary information, they simply did not know where else to buy a visa?
Most likely in the tour.a., where the tour was bought, and exactly such instructions were given: as soon as you arrive, immediately to your tour.o.!
When we received a package of documents before the trip, and we flew to Egypt for the first time, we had about the same in the documents: at the airport we will be met by a "guide" and you will get a visa from him, but in small print it was written that if we have any or other citizenship, except German, then the visa must be obtained by yourself. Only after that I began to look for information, what, where, how?
As I already wrote, I found a huge forum on the Dana Beach hotel and in general everything related to Egypt. It really helped me a lot.
By the way, your reviews about the sea, fish helped me a lot, before that I had no idea,
that there are dangerous or poisonous inhabitants of the Red Sea.
аватар dimitrij2291
hessen and how much does a visa cost in €. Or rather, how much did you pay? If I understand correctly, for a visa immediately to the bank ...
аватар papa74
Official price tag $ 15 (dollars).
With euros you can ... but it's better to prepare dollars.
аватар papa74
hessen, thanks for the kind words!
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