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Related question «Documents and borders»
what document is filled out upon arrival, when obtaining a visa?
Maybe someone will throw a sample, so as not to look for stands with filling samples
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
8 subscribers  • asked 2010-10-0714 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар nfyz_01
Here, you can see it here:
аватар hessen
You will fill out this form on the plane, it is in English, it seems. There is nothing complicated there, full name, date of birth, flight number, country of arrival, if there are children, then data on children. If you have any doubts, for example, how to fill it in correctly, you can ask the flight attendant to help, in our flight some did it.
аватар Anetka-gan
fill out a regular immigration card
аватар AdelinaR
No matter how this migration card is filled out, it seemed to me that later they don’t even look at it at the control :)
аватар Tati1144
I don’t remember such that the forms were filled out on the plane, from where the Russian stewards might have it (maybe in Germany, and so). Stands with samples are everywhere, they are filled in English, you also enter the place of residence there - the name of the hotel; do not panic, everything is simple there or ask someone to help, I always help (samples are in Russian and English). Arrive, go to the guide of the meeting party, take the form, fill it out, stand in line for passport control (look at the last resort where everyone will go), the visa costs $ 15 - they will stick a stamp on you and go on to get luggage. Guides offer without a queue, but for $ 17, some are bought (but you will still fill out the form yourself), as a result, your own queue is formed there, no less, and the bus will not leave without you anyway. And, indeed, no one looks at this form, rather for pro forma. Don't worry everything will be fine
аватар katyff
this form is not for proforma. it is an immigration card that is sent to Cairo to the embassy / consulate. and if the tourist loses documents, thanks to this form you will be issued a temporary document on which you can return home !!!!!
аватар yak78
Upon arrival in Hurghada - go to the airport - on the right side there will be 2 cash desks on which Visa 15 USD is written. - there they will stick a stamp in your passport and take this form to fill in there (it is filled in in English - there are only passport data and the name of the hotel where you arrived).
аватар hessen
Yes, we filled out on the plane. And when they flew back, they also filled out some form (I don’t remember which one now), but already at the airport, there really are samples.
аватар Tati1144
The name of the hotel can be abbreviated, eg. hotel Dessole Marlinn Inn Beach Resort 4 *, write Marlinn Inn, or hotel LillyLand Beach Club 4 * - just LillyLand
аватар miki08
On charter flights, flight attendants know and help very well, and they issue forms, but I can vouch for Ukrainian flights.
аватар Anetka-gan
NOT all flights issue immigrant visas. it's more of an exception.
аватар Zlata28
migration card
fill it - a couple of trifles
surname, first name, date of birth, nationality,
Passport number, hotel name and all
forgot to add - it's in english
by the way, teztour staff for 1 bucks (if desired)
can fill in for you
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