Посоветуйте отель в Хургаде на ближайшее время. Бюджет 2000$ на троих взрослых, 7-8 ночей, хотим с открытым морем, не лагуна. Красивый риф и вход без понтона (пологий) очень желательно
Recommend a hotel in Hurghada for the near future. Budget $ 2000 for three adults, 7-8 nights, we want the open sea, not the lagoon. Beautiful reef and entrance without a pontoon (sloping) is very desirable
Recommend a hotel in Hurghada for the near future. Budget $ 2000 for three adults, 7-8 nights, we want the open sea, not the lagoon. Beautiful reef and entrance without a pontoon (sloping) is very desirable
8 subscribers •
2021-08-064 years ago