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Tell me, where is the pharmacy with fixed prices in Hurghada? And another question: should the receipt for medicines be printed or handwritten to pass the control?
Tell me, where is the pharmacy with fixed prices in Hurghada? And another question: should the receipt for medicines be printed or handwritten to pass the control?
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15 subscribers  • asked 2021-02-213 years ago
Answers  •  19
аватар cgistalker
Just put your medicines in your suitcase
аватар Fancase
There is a pharmacy in Senzo Mall.
Why do you need a check? If the Egyptian customs delays with medicines, the check does not help :-(.
аватар lena240276
Any check, but most often they write by hand. I never needed it, they brought a lot of medicines. Everything was in the luggage. You can still bargain in the pharmacy, which really touched me))
аватар vezha2
Put medicines in your luggage, no one asks for receipts during the inspection, as well as prescriptions. The main thing is that there should not be a full suitcase of medicines
аватар klichko
I pack. Often 3-4 fit in one pack. I shift some of the blasters with things. It is allowed to export 5 packs of one drug per person, but it is better not to risk it. Lately, they've been actively stalking. Checks them up to the lantern
Pharmacies with fixed prices at the Sheraton, but sobsno in any gateway. They will advise you on the spot. Bargaining is appropriate, even in state pharmacies our prices are called from the bulldozer. Senzo is more expensive and without bargaining. You can also order online, they will bring it to the hotel
аватар alla.neshcheretnaya
State pharmacy in Senzo, they give checks. In pharmacies at the hotel in different ways, but with medicines now not very good. We were in October, there is almost no choice. From what they took in February 20 before quarantine, there was nothing at all. only in pharmacies in shopping centers. In October, many small pharmacies around hotels were de-energized, and when customers appeared, a generator was connected. Imagine the storage conditions for medicines when it is +30 outside and purchasing power in the absence of a sufficient number of tourists. Allah knows.
аватар Elenka08
Now they are rigorously checking. Some take small amounts. Sometimes checks help. There are many pharmacies, what exactly can be called, it was said above, in Senzo. And so it is in the center, and in Dahar.
аватар Kapitanpereira
All pharmacies in Egypt "with fixed prices" and they are even written on locally produced medicines. But in Arabic numerals. Here they are (from 0, it looks like a dot, to 9)
That is, ٥٢ is 52 pounds. There can be no prices in dollars.
And"bargaining" is inappropriate, there are no discounts in Egyptian pharmacies either, or he sells at the state price, or is completely a moron. Say in English - Masri government price, the pharmacist will understand.
And there are three Cairo EL Ezaby pharmacies in Hurghada: one in Senzo, another in Kawther, near the airport, next to Abu Ashar, the third in Dahar, on the opposite side of the Spinis supermarket. These pharmacies are known to all taxi drivers. Prices are the same everywhere, but the assortment in Ezaby is the largest. Rare medicines can be ordered from Cairo, they bring anything.
аватар Kapitanpereira
And for export, you do not need a check, but an appointment from a doctor. From absolutely anyone. Written. In general, if you really, really need to take out medicines, go through Cairo. They don't shake like that. But in Russia and the EU they can be taken away at the entrance. About Ukraine / Belarus / Kazakhstan - do not know.
аватар Elenka08
Kapitanpereira, quite right, no one trades there. Maximum, this is for a large amount (relatively), they can make a discount of 2-3%
аватар Kapitanpereira
Elenka08, the so-called "bargaining" is an inherently offensive, tourist-only show. For some reason, it is customary to think that the Siyahs like it))) and so - without knowing the exact price, you just need to give money, and they will give change. True, they can say that there are no trifles and a bit short (they lie, there are always).
аватар laik1222
Thank you all very much for your help!!!
аватар klichko
or he sells at the state price, or just a moron.
Definitely not a moron, since he sees ours, he calls prices from the bulldozer. It happens that one scans, and the other fantasizes. In Sharm, this is easier, and in Hurghada, lawlessness thrives even in state pharmacies
аватар Kapitanpereira
klichko, pharmacies - they are all private there, and ezaby too. Often belong to the Copts. Just at the Sheraton, of course, tourist catchers are sitting. These and the Egyptians are ready to heat up.
The price of medicines in Egypt is a fixed price in all pharmacies and is supposed to be investigated by the Egyptian Medicines Authority (presumably), but in the tourist areas the situation is of course different and the prices are high (a little). As a rule, the largest Egyptian pharmacies are (El Ezabi and Seif). Their prices are fixed in all provinces and they are also cheap. And deal with them by phone and they will bring you medicine (delivery). Always write down their numbers with you on your phone (El Ezabi 19600). They also have a certified tax account.
аватар klichko
pharmacies - they are all private there, and ezaby too.
Boom to know, although who controls prices and on what basis. In addition to the state, there seems to be no one
Well, recommendations on proceedings and records work for local, wholesale and expensive medicines (if any) A tourist with a couple of penny drugs is unlikely to bother. But very useful info.
аватар Kapitanpereira
Klichko, but, the Egyptian wrote - the Egyptian Medicines Authority controls, it's true. There, after all, the quality of medicines is good for a reason, and pharmacies pass the delay somewhere (obviously to the state, otherwise everyone would go bankrupt). There is control. And taxis, by the way, are also under state control, everyone has meters and they are working. Another thing, who wants to deal with complaints on vacation? Our people bother with it, crooks use it. And from the residents of Hurghada there were also lovers of complaints, I know that up to the reception with the governor, someone reached. Personally, I didn’t complain about anything, I didn’t have any problems there, neither with pharmacies, nor with taxis.
аватар Kapitanpereira
Expensive, by the way, medicines are also there. These are Western-made, branded. Their price - as in Russia, if lower, then by 20 percent. Apparently, due to the deduction of some taxes. In general, one name of the active substance, in a large pharmacy there are always several drugs of different prices. For example, cabergoline (suppressing lactation) was of 2 types local (cheap and very cheap), also - Saudi, and, finally, native western Dostinex. Almost more expensive than in Russia. Guess which one the pharmacist offered me first?)) But you should always ask ..,
Rare, expensive drugs - all this is, but in large pharmacies. In Ezabi, Safe, etc. If something like that is very, then they can order from Cairo. What is missing? Original Russian preparations, such as brilliant green - but they are not found anywhere in the world. There is no chloramphenicol, for example, either in drops or tablets. But there are completely different (much better) antibiotic eye drops. There, in this sense, a paradise for the chronically ill: everything is available and cheap.
аватар katrusik2272
We flew from Hurghada in December 2020, we bought medicines at EL Ezaby (tablets and ointments) in Senzo Mall in Hurghada, they gave me a check, they scattered the medicines on 2 suitcases, put them in luggage. There were no problems at customs. Nobody asked for receipts or prescriptions. Friends flew in January 2021, they brought a lot of medicines for relatives and friends, wrapped them in foil, there were no problems at customs either. In general, once at customs they told us that you can carry no more than 50 tablets ... without a prescription.
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