Question about hotel Beach Albatros Resort 4*

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Does it make sense to take with you an aqua box for a video camera for underwater filming?
Is the water clear so that something can be seen for filming? is there any underwater life on the beach or near beach albatross resort hogarda?
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12 subscribers  • asked 2011-07-0214 years ago
Answers  •  14
аватар jabetta
The transparency of the water in the Red Sea is very good, although it is not very good when there is a wave. I would take it anyway. Even if there is not a lot of living creatures and corals near the hotel, then you might want to go somewhere to swim on the reefs.
аватар HAVE_REST
Well, if you are going to shoot, then take it; if you are not going to, do not take it.
аватар nadin65
Of course, take it if you already have it.
We swam from the right pier, the water was very clear and there were living creatures, although many say that there are more living creatures from the left pier, and more coral.
Look at the vacationers - where they go with masks and flippers, there you are. The beach itself has a sandy bottom, we did not see any fish there.
аватар shumera
if you are going to swim on the reefs, then of course take it ..
аватар nadin65
From Hurghada there is an excellent excursion from the locals, it was about $ 30, to the Sharm El Naga conservation area, it's 45 km from Hurghada for the whole day, with lunch, there are fish right off the coast and there are a lot of views, it's worth it!
There will definitely be something to shoot!
Have a good rest!
аватар turist999
Thanks everyone for the replies.
There is no aquabox yet, but I will definitely buy it, I used to rush about to buy not to buy, suddenly the water is cloudy or something.
I think in winter it will be interesting to watch underwater bright HD-video on a large plasma while drinking green tea))), thanks again to everyone.
аватар lena_l3
Near the hotel, we saw a Skat fish, 2 moray eels (white and gray) lay under the stones, one live reef is closer and a little further than the second. There are so many fish, you can't remember them all. In general, there is something to shoot. Under water, in a mask with a snorkel, the fish were fed from hands (bread from the restaurant. Take a glass of layer. Bread in it when you swim in your hand above the water, keep it so that it does not get wet. We swam a few hotels to the left (when facing the sea), there are reefs worse. Be careful, a certain amount of $ was missing from a safe at a friend in the main building.
аватар jabetta
How much can you explain to people!? Well, you can't feed the fish! IT IS FORBIDDEN!!!!!
And you also tell how to do it in detail with cups, etc. Well, there are no words!
аватар alex45
But don’t say it, they still feed it. Even in Sharm el-Naga there are posters with a ban, but the Germans dragged all the buns to the fish after dinner.
аватар funk90
Well, what can I say!?
I am already silent about the lectures on the topic: "take care of the corals, walk on them and stomp NOW!!!!" etc. Who understands that they grow for centuries?
Stupid people (fir-trees), which then requires ecology and cleanliness of their own habitat. Sad...
аватар jabetta
I support one hundred percent!
аватар romio
The water in the Red Sea cannot be cloudy, everything is always visible there at any depth. If you sail a little from the beach, then there is something to shoot, of course, not like in Sharm, but there is also enough beauty there.
аватар Gena972
makes clear sense
аватар Maikl1977
Take it anyway! Nearby stands the Beach Ralas hotel, on the opposite side there are reefs with islands, there are enough fish there and a stingray lives there. I took an underwater box, but I shot there, the pictures turned out not bad.
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