Question about hotel Albatros Alf Leila Wa Leila Resort 4*

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I ask for info.
Maybe someone knows about the ALBATROS JUNGLE AQUA PARK hotel, I need to buy a ticket today, but I can’t read anything about the hotel.
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5 subscribers  • asked 2009-07-1516 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар Mariya25
This question was raised a couple of times. Everything they knew was answered.
There is no info, the hotel is only open, most likely, as in all new hotels, there are imperfections and not everything can work.
It is better to go there in the fall, when everything settles down, and now choose something else.
аватар lerana07
the hotel is 3/4 ready, but when it is 100% ready, the price will be much higher. judging from my experience, living in a "zero" hotel is much better than when it is already hyped. There are fewer people, everything is new (our compatriots manage to destroy the hotel in 2-3 months, I tell you for sure), and you will already receive service (cleaning, food, service on the slides, etc.). I go to hotels of this The company has been around for 3 years and I can honestly tell you that all the hotels in "PickAlbatrose" are very decent. By the way, try to look at their company website (English)
аватар katakats
Hello agira30!!! I am also going to this hotel. I ask you to leave your feedback upon arrival. Thanks
аватар agira30
hello katakats. Yes, I was going to go to this hotel, but since I didn’t find the necessary information, I didn’t take the risk! will visit all the hotels of the Albators Network FREE OF CHARGE!!!! And Jungle Aqua Park says that it is opposite LEILA, So I'm going on August 8 ..16 wait for reviews !!! Have a good rest.
аватар agira30
PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! on the corporate website there is also a rearrangement in Russian! looks closely at the top right in the corner.
аватар Askina
Hello Agira30! We look forward to your feedback, you probably be the first :)))))))
аватар katakats
Alf leila Wa Leila judging by the reviews, everything is wonderful there. Nice to relax!
аватар Mariya25
I was in Alf Leila in September for 10 days - excellent, just a class for 4 * - and food and everything else. I have something to compare, I saw more than 100 hotels in Egypt
Here is my feedback:
аватар Askina
The question was not about the hotel "Alf leila Wa Leila", there are a lot of reviews about it .... Question about "ALBATROS JUNGLE AQUA PARK 4" ???????
аватар Mariya25
askina, everyone told you everything who knew what
Layla, also a Picalbatros chain, is behind the new hotel
Go to Layla, look at the new Jingle, and next year in it. What's the problem?
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