Question about hotel Albatros Alf Leila Wa Leila Resort 4*

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4 subscribers  • asked 2009-07-1216 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар And2733
there are 126 photos of the hotel:
аватар And2733
and here is a photo of the beach:
аватар Lala17
One is better not to walk outside the hotel, and even more so not to get acquainted with the local "macho". And no matter how old you are (all ages and sizes are popular with them), they will definitely pester! In front of her boyfriend, in a perfume shop, under the guise of aroma massage, an Arab felt the Spaniard from head to toe. And this despite the fact that the boyfriend was eager to fight, and the girl squealed and pushed the "masseur" away. The Arab continued his vile deed, saying: "sorry, only massage, ah um doctor." So there are a dime a dozen such "Aibolites" there! Be careful with smiles and glances - everything is interpreted absolutely differently from ours and have a good rest!
аватар StMaria
why do you need a photo of the hotel if you were there?
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