Как обстоят дела с напитками "все включено" в главном ресторане и барах в Magawish Village & Resort? Работают ли платные рестораны и стоит ли туда ходить? Сколько дать денег, чтобы поселили в бунгало прямо возле моря?
How are the all inclusive drinks at the main restaurant and bars at Magawish Village & Resort? Do pay restaurants work and is it worth going there? How much money to give to settle in a bungalow right near the sea?
How are the all inclusive drinks at the main restaurant and bars at Magawish Village & Resort? Do pay restaurants work and is it worth going there? How much money to give to settle in a bungalow right near the sea?
3 subscribers •
2018-08-087 years ago