Question about hotel Albatros Jungle Aqua Park Resort 4*

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Who rested in Ramadan in the Jungle?
please, who rested last year in Ramadan in Albatros Jungle, tell me how much this affected the diet: was there less alcohol, like with meat, etc.? I want to go there in Ramadan this year, I want to know exactly about this hotel, plz.
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9 subscribers  • asked 2010-03-2515 years ago
Answers  •  13
аватар elenako
We rested on Ramadan, but not in this hotel. They didn’t immediately understand that they had a holiday - nothing has changed for us in terms of food, the only thing is that before sunset or until 19-00 I don’t remember exactly the Arabs behaved more restrained.
I think that the situation is the same in all hotels where non-Muslims rest.
аватар nadin65
I was not during this period (I was at Easter), but my friends said that there were a lot of Arabs in all the hotels, and many even drank alcohol, there was a lot of food, noise and din too, dressed in the pool with screams and discussions of Slavs.
In 2009, Ramadan Eid al-Fitr was celebrated on September 20, and in 2010 it will be celebrated on September 10.
аватар HotLine
The hotel started operating less than a year ago. So last September is not indicative
аватар Habyby73
In any hotel, as in other places in Ramadan, the Arabs are embittered because of hunger, thirst, etc. Therefore, the food will be as always, but the mood can spoil the attitude towards you from the locals.
аватар valentina74
thanks everyone for the replies. I want to clarify a little: I choose when to go - to fast (that is, until September 10) or then at the beginning of October, to wait until THEY are celebrated. So I’m thinking whether it makes sense to wait until October, whether it will be more comfortable at this time than at the beginning of September. Please share your thoughts, I don't want to fly.
аватар Habyby73
September is as hot as August, in October they have the most "golden" time: not so hot but still very warm. It's purely your choice - what weather is most suitable. Good luck to you :)
аватар valentina74
Thanks Habyby73 for the info. Only my question is not about the weather, but about Ramadan. Will the quality of rest change if you go to Lent itself?
аватар Habyby73
I understand what you mean. I just suggested that you think about what the weather will be like if you don’t go to Ramadan. I know a few opinions: 1. my friend was resting in Ramadan. not so good, the staff is sleepy, embittered. This did not affect the quality of food. Before everyone should start eating around 19.00-20.00, you will not see a single Arab anywhere - they wash everyone into the kitchen or the dining room; 2. my husband said, which is very hard to work at this time: hot, thirsty, hungry. service. In any case, you decide, maybe. someone else will advise something on the forum here. someone has been in this situation.
аватар valentina74
thanks for the answers, all the information is very useful for me
аватар Zlata28
rested in Ramadan last year
but only in another hotel
It didn't affect the guests in any way.
service, food, staff behavior - everything is as usual
аватар KNatali
We rested in Ramadan in 2009, but in a different hotel. In local shops, the Arabs are very embittered and clingy, they did not notice any changes in the service at the hotel,
the sea at the hotel is a lot of local bathing in clothes. I decided for myself that in September I will not go anymore. I went once in November, the time is just as good for relaxing, and the sea world is much more beautiful. I think that in October this is the best time to relax, and it is not so cold to leave Russia and it is not winter when you return.
аватар LaQueSuena
We rested last year in this hotel just in Ramadan ... only compatriots were embittered. The staff is very courteous, smiling - always ready to help... as for "stickiness", this is an integral feature of every 2nd Egyptian;) There was no problem with food... most of the staff, by the way about the birds, are Copts, i.e. e. Egyptian Christians and for them Ramadan doesn't matter at all ;) Ride boldly. We only felt that the Muslims during the "Lent" were in Cairo and Alexandria by the heartbreaking howl from the loudspeakers, calling people to morning and evening prayers and along the streets, decorated with flags, garlands and other festive shnyazki;) Have a good rest: )
аватар valentina74
thanks again to all
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